Where it all began ...

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Soooo this is a quick A/N. I have never, ever gained enough confidence to post a fanfic before and I really hope you all enjoy it. Thank you so much for reading!!! A friend also told me the song 'Where U At' by Taeyang reminds her of my ff so I thought I would put it in for you guys to listen to. I hope you enjoy!

Your skin was soaked through and the shivering sensation riddled through your body. You began to shake as you stood frozen in the harsh pelting rain, clinging to your self for warmth you had never felt so alone. In this moment right here, stood on the sidewalk you just broke, life was too much, everything was too much. The crystal droplets formed in your tear ducts and rolled down your cheeks. Suddenly you couldn't feel the rain anymore, you looked to your side and saw a handsome young man beside you. He looked at you with concern and politely asked "Are you ok?". You looked at him with pain in your eyes and replied with "thank you very much, but I'm perfectly fine". He could tell that you were lying and still remained by your side. "I know we are strangers, but please may you allow me to walk you home? You will get sick out here in the rain" The man asked. You thought to yourself for a moment and with much caution you decided to reply "If it isn't too much trouble that would be nice thank you". He smiled at you sweetly and something fluttered inside of you. 'But I don't know him, he's a complete stranger, yet his smile just made me feel, hmm strange?' you questioned yourself in your thoughts. You began walking with the stranger in a comfortable silence, all that was heard was the pitter patter crashing upon the umbrella he bore. He cleared his throat and spoke up "um, forgive my manners, I forgot to ask for your name". He looked at you and you hesitated before answering him "My name is Y/N". He smiled to you and said "Oh wow, such a beautiful name Y/N, I'm Jungkook". You blushed at Jungkook's comment and quietly mumbled in embarrassment "thank you". Jungkook stopped walking and put his hand on your shoulder to comfort you, "may I ask why you were crying earlier Y/N, it's painful to see such a beautiful girl like you crying" he chuckled. Your face fell and you began to remember how alone you feel and how much your life has been impacted by that feeling. You softly replied "Well ... It's a long story". He looked at you with pure wonder in his eyes and really wasn't going to back down "I have plenty of time" he said. You smiled to yourself about how persistent he seems. You found a bench under some shelter and sat yourself down. Quicker than you could blink, Jungkook sat next to you fully engaged to hear your story. You explained to him everything that had happened to you in the past and how many times you have been hurt and used, he didn't say a word, he just listened. It felt good that someone was listening to you and caring about your problems, you had a funny feeling about Jungkook. He tilted his head to the side looking like a cute puppy and sighed. "I know how you feel" he continued "I feel the same way, I have been used and hurt many times, I can't even count how many". You felt saddened to hear that he had the same feelings as you. "So, Jungkook, do you want to keep walking?" You tried to change the subject to try and make him and yourself feel better. Strolling along the streets with Jungkook by your side you came to a stop. "Well this is my stop Jungkook, thank you so much for walking me home, I really needed it" you said gratefully. He smiled at you with that gorgeous smile of his and replied "it was all my pleasure Y/N". You thanked him once again and slowly drifted towards your front door when you heard your name being called. "Y/N, I u-um want to ask you something" he trembled with a shy stutter in his voice. "Yes Jungkook?" You asked, curiosity overflowing throughout your brain. He fiddled with his fingers and finally bucked up the courage to ask "U-uh I would like to see you again, is t-there any c-
chance I could u-uh get your n-number?". You giggled cutely at his shyness and nodded your head as a signal that your answer is yes. Exchanging numbers you both smiled so shyly and finally departed. As soon as you got into the house you texted him:
Y/N: Jungkook, I want to thank you again for listening to me earlier, it means a lot. 🙏🏻
Jungkook: Ah Y/N as I said before haha it's no problem, I really enjoyed my time with you too. I want to see you again. 😌
Y/N: Hehe I want to see you too Jungkook! 😇
You guys talked some more for what felt like hours, you invited him over to your house tomorrow, he is such a sweet and cute guy. You wanted to get to know him a lot more, you seemed to have just clicked with him, feeling as if you have known him for years already.

~Time Skip~ (the next day)
You awoke from your slumber and began fumbling about your house cleaning and getting things ready for Jungkook to visit. Whilst preparing yourself you looked in the mirror and thought 'Damn, why do I have to be so ugly like a darn toad?'. Sighing to yourself about your thoughts you heard a light knock on the door. Drawing a deep breath you braced yourself and trotted over towards the door. Fingers lightly brushing on the door, for some reason your heart was beating so much faster than usual. You opened the door to be greeted by Jungkook "Hello, how are you doing?" He asked whilst taking a step inside. You smiled at him and said "I can't be any better now that you arrived, how are you?" You asked in return. He giggled at your answer and replied with "haha I'm good thanks, miss me already though ha?". You laughed and nodded at his response. His adorable smile glowing even more every second. You plodded over to the couch with Jungkook following close behind. He looked at you and seemed nervous. "Jungkook are you ok? You seem a little um". You drew a breath and he finished your sentence for you "Nervous?, it's because I am haha, there is something I want to tell you that might scare you away". Your puppy dog eyes peered upon his face in confusion. "You won't scare me away, I promise" you reassured him. He took a sharp deep breathe and continued the conversation "Well, what I want to say is that ever since I met you, I can't stop thinking about you, I know we only just met but I like you already". You tilted your head a little in confusion yet you felt the same so you couldn't really not understand him. "I can't stop thinking about you either" you stated. When you said this his eyes seemed to light up like a million stars. "I really want to get know you better Y/N" He admitted and smiled softly at you. Returning his smile you both went off topic and started talking like you have been friends forever. After such this short while you feel as though you already know him. For the rest of the day and night until Jungkook left, you talked like it was the most natural, comfortable thing in the world. You had never met someone like him before and your heart flutters thinking about it.

~Only you (Jungkook x reader ff)Where stories live. Discover now