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Hey guys quick A/N! This is part two of ~Only you, it's a little shorter than the first chapter but I hope you enjoy it 😌 It has taken me a very long time to write this part because I have had no inspiration whatsoever haha 😅 But luckily I found some inspiration and here we have it part two!!!

The next morning you woke up from your deep sleep. Jungkook appeared in your head as your phone flashed brightly in the beautiful crack of dawn. Your eyes glanced at your screen as you read the name with joy. Butterflies danced around your stomach as your phone flashed again, opening the text he sent you, you blushed a deep shade of red.
Jungkook: Hey Y/N after meeting you yesterday I've felt like I have known you for so long 😊 I was really nervous to see you but as soon as we started to talk all my troubles melted away.
Thank you for the amazing day yesterday, I hope you would like to see me again soon.
Y/N: Of course I would love to see you again! I feel the same way although we only just met I like you a lot already ☺️
A strange feeling arose within your stomach, the butterflies stabbing at you as the reality of what you just sent hit you hard. Wishing you could delete the message from his phone you blushed a crimson shade of red. At least he couldn't see how pathetic you felt right now. The dreaded typing icon creeped upon your screen and the butterflies began to stab harder within your stomach. The screen flashed and you cautiously opened your phone to find his message.
Jungkook: Aw Y/N I really like you too...
Your heart beating rapidly almost jumped out of your chest. You squealed into your pillow excitedly. Feeling strange you thought to your self 'Y/N what is wrong with you?'. Giggling and smiling like a little girl you instantly typed away on your keyboard.
Y/N: Hmm tell me Jungkook, in which way do you like me? 😉☺️
Jungkook: Haha hmm, um ...
I like you, like you. I think you are a wonderful person and you are very beautiful too Y/N ...
There they were again the butterflies in your stomach dancing away not stopping once. Your heart beating faster and faster with each word he wrote. A sigh of relief slipped past your lips as you felt really happy he likes you for some reason. A daring streak hit you like a truck and you began typing without thinking. You typed what your heart and your instincts were telling you to type.
Y/N: Soooo, when are we going on a date Jungkook? 😂
You felt ridiculous again as you fought with yourself within your brain 'omg why, why did I just say that? He will totally reject me, it's too soon right?'. Believing your eyes had deceived you, you peered at your phone screen in awe.
Jungkook: Hmm today??? If you want to of course, we could go get coffee or um go to a park or something?
Honestly you felt that your phone had stopped working and had given you a fake reply. Feeling such disbelief you typed away.
Y/N: Really? You want to go out on a date? With me?
Jungkook: Of course...
I really like you ☺️
Y/N: Coffee and a park sounds perfect Kookie, um haha can I call you Kookie?? It's so cute and fits with your personality... ☺️
Jungkook: Haha yeah, I like it, you can call me Kookie if you really want too 🙃 Soooo for our date how about 1pm?
Y/N: Perfect!!!
Kookie: Great! I will pick you up then 😊💕
Your heart was halfway across the room. The way he made you feel. The way the butterflies danced around in your stomach when you thought about him or were talking to him. 'What is this? Love? It can't be' you thought to yourself your heart still skipping a thousand beats as you think of him. Curiosity overflowing within you as you tried to register that he added a heart onto the end of his message. The way this made you feel was spectacular, you felt special. Wondering about why he put the heart, you just continued to think about him, how much of a beautiful personality he has. The way he giggled at you and your bad jokes yesterday thinking you were the funniest person in the world amazed you. How he flashed priceless, beautiful smiles at you made your heart flutter. Taking a quick glance at your clock you realised it's about time you started to get ready, you want to look really good. Dressing yourself with an adorable outfit consisting of a frilly pink shirt, a skirt as white as a dove and a pair of beige timberlands. Your hair was perfectly styled into a messy bun with hair draping to frame your face. Light makeup was peppered among your features. Glancing at your phone screen you realised the time was 12:30pm. Excitement was spurting throughout you as it neared closer to 1pm. Your heart  pounding within your chest. You thought to yourself I think I'm ready, I really hope I look okay' your heart was beating faster than any drum. That same light knock from yesterday rang throughout your house and your stomach danced.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jan 19, 2018 ⏰

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