Chapter 3

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Today was the day of the boy’s very first concert. All of them were extremely excited to rock the stage. Well, all except for one person. Niall, he has been depressed ever since they left his house two days ago. The van was parked by the concert so they could just hop on right after and head to their next destination for the concert.

“Has anyone seen Niall?” Louis asked while freaking out.

“Actually, I haven’t seen him in a while.” Zayn pointed out.

“Ugh, we go on in fifteen minutes! We need to find him.” Louis said as he left to go check places to where he could be.

“I know he misses her but this is getting to be a little ridiculous.” Liam said.

“Think of it in his perspective, how would you feel if you didn’t get to say goodbye to your best friend?” Harry asked.

Liam sighed, “I know but he can’t keep disappearing somewhere at every concert.”

“I guess you’re right.” Harry said.

Zayn and Louis were looking everywhere for Niall. So far he was still nowhere to be found. Liam was getting pretty furious that Niall still hadn’t shown up. How were they supposed to go on without him? Who’d sing Niall’s parts?

“We checked everywhere! There’s still no sign of him.” Zayn sighed while running his fingers through his hair.

“We go on in five minutes. I’m going to kill him.” Liam said.

“Liam…” Harry said.

“Shut up Harry. How are we supposed to go on if he’s not here?” Liam asked.

“But what if it’s not his fault? What if something bad happen to him and we don’t know it?” Louis asked.

“Then he’d better have a good explanation once we find him.” Liam said.

“What are you guys still doing standing around? You’re on in two minutes!” Their manager explained.

“We don’t have Niall, he disappeared somewhere.” Liam said.

“Well, with or without him you’re going on!” The manager said.

“But who’s going to sing his part?” Zayn asked.

“I can.” A voice called as they came up from the shadows.

The members of the band glared at the teenager. Somehow, he was a “big One Direction” fan. The kid was actually pretty creepy. He’d been following the band around on all their performances and he’s been at every single One Direction interview.

“Where’s Niall?” All four of them asked at the same time.

“You don’t have time for chit chat you go on in thirty seconds! Kid are you able to sing Niall’s parts?” The manager asked.

“Of course I can. I have his part memorized.”

Niall’s P.O.V:

I did my best to fake a smile for the guys today. I’m going to have to cheer myself up somehow before the concert. I didn’t want to let our fans down in any way at all. Once we stopped at the venue I headed inside the building to call Kaleigh. I knew hearing her voice would definitely cheer me up before the very first concert of the worldwide tour.

As I stepped inside the venue I felt a pair of hands grab me. The first thing I thought to do was scream which was a bad mistake. The person holding me clasped their hand to my mouth to where my screams were useless. I struggled to get out of their grip but nothing worked. Next thing I knew was that I was being thrown into a closet. Quickly, I ran to the door only to find it was locked.

“HEY, LET ME OUT!” I screamed.

“I think you’ll be staying in there until the end of the concert.” The voice said.


“You won’t be singing tonight Niall. I will.”

The next thing I heard was footsteps. I stood there banging on the door and calling for help. None of it seemed to work. I slid down the wall. The guys were going to hate me so much for this. I put my head in my arms and the tears started streaming down my face once again. Why has so many things gone wrong lately?


Suddenly, the door swung open and there stood a pretty ticked off Liam. I got up off the ground, knowing I had missed the entire concert. I felt sick to my stomach and I hung my head as I walked with Liam back to the tour bus.

“What the heck dude? Where have you been?” Louis asked.

“Some person trapped me in a closet.” I said.

“I’m not even going to talk to you right now.” Liam said.

“But I’m telling the truth!”

“That creepy kid that’s been too like all our past performances had to sing your part Niall.” Zayn said.

“You replaced me?” I asked a little hurt.

“We looked for you everywhere.” Harry said.

“Apparently not, thanks for you know not believing me. I wouldn’t miss our first concert on purpose.” I said.

“Niall…” Louis said.

“No just stop.” I said.

That hurt. I couldn’t believe they used another person to sing my part. I crawled up to my bunk and put my face in pillow. Right now I didn’t even want to speak a word to them. The whole thing wasn’t even my fault. I mean, how was I even supposed to know some person was going to lock me in a closet for the whole concert? To top it off, I thought it was all for nothing in this band. My heart literally just broke. At least that’s what it felt like right about now.

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