Missing Star-8

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So today is Christmas and the start of our christmas break.So I decided to invite Jihyo,Rapmon,and Rosé for lunch today.So I texted them and said yes.So I'm on the way to the mall and I saw Seulgi...

"Wh-wha-what are you doing here?!"
"To see you!" she replied
She leaned in for a kiss and as she did Rapmon,Jihyo,and Rosé saw us.

I pushed Seulgi away and said
"Fck off!I like someone else!"
And since Rosé didn't hear me she ran away.

So I recieved the text and went to fetch Rapmon and Jihyo.

On our way to Jimins house I see Seulgi and Him kissing.

I was about to burst into tears and ran away.

"Rosé wait!I can explain!" I hear Jimin shouting.I didn't stop.How dare he break ny heart on Christmas Day.

I go home and lock my self in my apartment

Okay,take a break lets take a nap.

So I took a 30 minute nap and woke up and watched some movies.

*kring kring* I hear my phone ring
Jungkook:Hey...I heard you got into a fight with Jimin...
I didn't reply.

After 3 minutes
*kring kring*
Lisa:Hey...Want me to come over?
"Ye sure!Could u bring some mcdonalds?" I replied
That made my day 1000 better

Lisa arrived and we talked about it and stuff.
Update:So my mom will be taking my phone away during school days but I will try my best to get it hehehehe

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