Chapter 17

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*Keenan's POV*

"Hey Anari" I said smiling. She met me for lunch and she was looking good with her simple lil outfit.

After my talk with my mom and sisters yesterday, I decided that now would be the perfect time to just tell her how I feel

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After my talk with my mom and sisters yesterday, I decided that now would be the perfect time to just tell her how I feel.

"Hi" she said sitting down, opening her menu. "I can't stay long. I promised Alexis that I'll take her out today"

"Why you ain't tell me? I would have brought the twins if I knew." she just nodded. "Did you take your vitamins?"

"No i forgot. I've been in a hotel. I haven't been home"

"Why what's wrong with your house?"

"Nothing just something with Alexis and I think I wanna move from that house" the waiter came and took our order and Anari was just on her phone. Like damn i'm sitting right here in front of you.

"Well.. I just asked you here because I wanted to talk to you about the babies"

"What about them? They still in there." she mumbled.

"Why do you act like it doesn't matter? Why do you act like the babies aren't there? I can't go any longer without telling you how I honestly feel. I would hate for something to happen to me or you and I regret telling you what I need to tell you"

"Okay. Tell me" she said placing her phone down on the table. 

"Well, I can tell that something is not right. When we talk about the babies, you kinda back down from it. You try to avoid it at all times and I'm tired of it honestly. I just wanna be able to have a decent conversation as adults with you about this. I know you have overcame alot with yourself and I have overcame alot with you cheating and whatnot soo.. I guess what I wanna know is why you don't want the babies or why you don't act like you want them" I said.

"Because I'm not ready to be a mom okay. I'm scared. I raised Alexis for all of 5 years basically by myself, but this is different. These are my- our babies and I can't just...i dont know. I'm scared okay" she said, but mumbling at the end. Finally, the root of all the problems with her.

"I understand but just let me know how you feel. I wanna know when you you feel scared cause I wanna reassure you. I was scared when the twins mom was pregnant, but as soon as they were born, I knew that I would be just fine. You will be just fine. I think we should move in together. You, me and the girls" I said.

"I dont know about that. I wanna move out my house but then again my house is big and will benefit the babies with space and whatnot." the waiter brought our food and Anari dug right in.

"So how bout you move in with me until the babies are born? 6 more months right?"

"We'll see. I think Alexis wants to move back in with me. She ran off from my mom's house last night. My ma forgot her birthday and I guess it made her sad. That's why we been at a hotel." It felt good when Anari actually talked to me instead of everything being a one sided conversation.

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