Updating soon

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Hey guys long time no see. I really miss you all and writing, I've just been so busy and stressing yano. I'm going to update this soon! It's my New Years resolution to finish this book and start the last one in this series.

I've got a couple things to say...and a story to tell..

Please stop trying to hack my account I'm not that great you can probably write better xD

If you want to translate anything of mine, tell me and I'll try to get back to you. Just tell me and when it's up I'll add it to my translations reading list so more people can find it, sound like a deal?

Now I've got a story to tell and unless you're interested to know about the birth of my first that is all.

He was born June 20th of last year weighing 8 pounds and 8 ounces and 19 inches. He can out only a day before his due date which pissed me off cause I didn't want him getting too fat so he could actually get out.

I went into labor at around 11:00pm my moms house (thank god!) I was in labor for like 4-5 hours guys, it was 3:29am when he was born. So I did not get any type of pain relief, epidural, nothing! It was all natural!

So like the first hour was chill right. I was thinking hmmm it's probably gonna happen tonight. lol then the second hour came and the contractions were coming every 2 and a half to 5 minutes and I was like, okay, I can wait a little longer. But then they got shorter waaaaay too fast and I ended up throwing up in the sink and was like holy f.uck I'm in active labor, I gotta go to the hospital.

So in the car my water breaks omg it feels weird. I swear it broke more than once. My mom told me you can have "more than one bag of water" wtf. The put me in a wheelchair and my dad left to go get my boyfriend from work. They had me WAITING I WAS SCREAMING THE LITTLE SHIT WAS LEGIT TRYING TO MAKE A BREAK FOR IT. It was hella busy in the emergency room that day and at that time there were multiple people having babies.

Legit I was waiting until my boyfriend got there and guess what. His Aunt was a nurse there and she got me in asap. Dude like if it wasn't for her I'd have my baby in the emergency room and a whole bunch of people who have seen my vag that day.

So yeah when we got in the room to have my baby, my boyfriend his mom and my mom were there. I could barely take off my clothes because his head was coming out. When I got on the bed my water broke again ¿ then one of the nurses kept sticking her fingers in me ughhghg.

My dr wasn't even there yet when I started pushing too haha! I kept telling them to get me an epidural right, and they were like yea in a minute. Kept saying that I was like 6cm dilated. But those lying bi.ches. I was 9cm dilated. They pulled my mom to the side and told her we can't give her the epidural she's too far along.

I thought I was gonna die.

So my doctor gets there (prick) we push and stuff. They gave me an oxygen mask because the baby wasn't getting enough and his blood pressure dropped. And that got me determined. I remember that moment. I was like, this next push is IT!

I pushed him out so fast I was told I "ripped in all directions" "the doctor had to catch him" omg and I couldn't feel that pain because the contractions were so strong. I felt it later though when I was being stitched up for ten minutes. But what was suppose to happen was the doctor was suppose to cut me open a little so I WOULDNT rip and so I could have recovered faster and so my vagina wouldn't feel weird later smh.

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