21. Sneaking in

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3rd POV
Bryce had his cat ears hidden by a cap and his tail tucked into his pants he walked quickly to the front of the building "okay you can do this Bryce" he said to himself giving him confidence, he saw one security guards and a girl called Michelle or as they called her Minx in a booth "hey Minx I'm back" he greeted "yep your very late what was the hold up" she questioned in her English accent "um I went to get food" Bryce lied quickly he wasn't the best lier because the blonde rarely lied "mhm tell me the truth Bryce" Minx spoke leaning towards him "...fine can I whisper it you" he asked she nodded he leaned to ear.

"I went to the park the park that means a lot me" Bryce whispered he wasn't lying completely the park was the only place he remember his mother he didn't remember what happened to her but he knew his father had something to do with it, Minx sighed "Bryce you know that place just upsets you" she stated he looked down to his feet "it's the only place I have a memory with her" he sniffed she stood up from her chair and hugged him tightly "it's okay Bryce" she comforted the emotional security guard went up to the two and hugged them as well.

As Minx and the guard were hugging Bryce the boys started there mission Delirious, Wildcat, Moo and Terroriser sneaked passed the lot to the side of the building, they saw a ladder leading up to the roof "guys up here" Brock whisper excitingly the boys followed their friend up the ladder when the guys got to the top they found a opening to a vent they all jumped in.

Lui and David were in the van, Lui hacked into the security room making the cameras up with nothing while he had cameras ready for his friends "how are you so good hacking" David questioned "why do you think I was always good at video games" Lui smirked "You cheating fucker" David huffed.

The four boys where heading through the vents Tyler having trouble from being so tall "hey you guys there" David asked they all replied yes "can you find us a way out of these vents my back is cramping up" Tyler grunted "yeah your ear pieces have a trackers so we know where you are, Lui has got the cameras so go forward turn left then turn right" Nogla ordered the four.

They did what Nogla said Brian in front of all of them suddenly the metal square he was on creaked and broke making him fall "SHIT!" he shrieked landing on his stomach, Brock who wasn't paying attention didn't see the missing square and fell as well "AGHHH" he screamed landing on top of Brian "OW!!!" "sorry" Brock got off the taller male his face red, Jon and Tyler were trying not to laugh but they were failing "David what the fuck" Brian whispered/yelled at the tall potato "oh yeah I forgot say there is a faulty panel which is the exit...oops" Brian wanted to strangle that fucker but he went up to Brock "are you okay" Brian asked Brock still a bit red nodded "good Wildcat, Delirious come on down" the two boys jump down giggling "alright Lui guide us to Evan and Mini".


"Okay Boss we're ready to do the experiment" Mark told Felix the Sweden smiled "perfect, bring the test subject and Jack put his Merman friend to sleep we don't need him now but made in the future" he requested Mark and Jack nodded.

Mark went to get Mini, Craig was asleep because the crying tired him out Mark went to the small male and shook him violently "GET UP!" He yelled Mini jolted awake when he saw Mark he glared at him "what" he spat Mark smirked "time for the experiment" he chuckled darkly Craig's eyes widened and his heart speeded up "p-please don't do this" he begged Mark rolled his eyes then grabbed the British man arm and pulled he to the test room.

Jack made his way to Evan and Ohm's tank "hello boys" he greeted, the two mermen both groaned "what do you need now" Vanoss snarled "Just you, we're ready to do an experiment so we don't need you anymore but if we let you go you would go to the police so time for you to sleep" Jack told him before Vanoss could speak Jack grabbed him about to pull him out of the tank "GET THE FUCK OFF OF HIM" Ohm shouted lunging at Jack trying to pull his hands off Evan but the Irish man was stronger so he pulled Evan out of the tank and grabbed Ryan's wrist "I wouldn't try that if I were you, you are staying right here baby~, maybe we can turn you human and make you a bunny hybrid how bout that a sexy bunny" Jack chuckled Ohm gagged disgusted Jack let go of the smaller male Ryan backed up looking at Vanoss sadly.

Jack dragged Evan down to a basement there was a giant tube thing filled with purple water "w-what's that" the Asian questioned "oh that's what your going to be in til we need you again the purple stuff makes you sleep but keeps you healthy cool right" Jack explained Vanoss started to struggle again "NO!" he screamed Jack picked him up and through Evan into the coloured water, Vanoss immediately felt the effects of the water "goodbye Evan" Jack waved smirking Evans eye started to shut "Jonathan" he whispers then went into a deep sleep.


"Okay guys there's a guard to your left" David told the boys Delirious went up to the guard and hit her over the head with his baseball bat "got her" he beamed Brock dragged the girl to a closet dumping the body in there "Lui any luck on Evan or Craig" Tyler asked for the 100th time "for the last tim- wait" Lui stopped he looked to a camera and saw Evan being dragged by Jack "I HAVE A VISUAL ON VANOSS" then from the other camera to see Mark and "AND I CAN SEE MINI" Jon and Tyler looked at each other happily "where are they" Brian asked "Mini is in the level above you and Evan is two levels below you, be careful Mark is with Mini and Jack is with Vanoss" Lui explained.

"okay I think we should split up" Tyler insisted "you know your never suppose to split EVER!" Brock reminded being worried for his friends (children and husband's) safety "I know that but if we don't someone is going to be gone forever" Tyler said Brock sighed "Fine, I'll go with you and Brian go get Mini while me and Delirious get Evan okay" Moo ordered they all nodded, Terroriser went to Brock before they left "hey be careful okay" he told him Moo pulled Brian into a hug "you too".

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