So. What did you expect, I study in a girls' school, taught by mostly female teachers and male professors that are undoubtedly horrible at teaching. Most of the male teachers teach either Maths or ICT... All about those subjects that you'd need to sit in front of a computer screen and do so.
So. Now what. Should I introduce myself? Alright. What should my name be..maybe...Tea? I mean it's easy to remember, and a great name that relates to food. Yes, clap clap, a good choice indeed. GIVE YOURSELF A PAT ON THE BACK PEOPLE.
Now we have to deal with the name of the teacher. We wouldn't want to offend anyone...right? What goes best with tea though...oh yes. A SPOON. TEASPOON. Get it? Man, I make bad puns.
After we are clear in the two characters, I am free to start now. You can treat this story to be either based on a true story or it's simply some shit that came out of my head. It doesn't matter. As long as you are able to comprehend what the hell I am talking about, it's fine.
It started off like this...