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Omg guys I made a mistake on the girl's name who Donghyun met at the elevator I confused her name with another character. I already edited it though so don't be confused if her name suddenly changed in this chapter.

warning: this is not edited


Impossible. How can this be. Out of all places why did he have to be working here? I never knew of his where abouts after he graduated university. Because I chose not to know.

But fate seems to be playing with me. I wanted to run away from there, at that moment. I was shocked that I couldn't move a single muscle.

I thought... I thought I was fine. I thought I already forgot about him. But now why I'm so torn between running away and taking a once in a lifetime opportunity?

I waited for so long to get this job. Why did it have to turn out like this?

I carefully looked at him and I can see that he was pretty shocked too but I couldn't read his next expression anymore. He broke the eye contact.

"Lim Youngmin! You think that is a valid reason?! You should've use your phone's alarm!"

"I'm sorry Sunbaenim" He bowed again as he apologized

"Anyways, this is Kim Donghyun. From today onwards he will share the same area with you. He's a new kid so take care of him.Yah, new kid you introduce yourself"

"Nice to--" I was about to make an introduction when he cut me off

"I know"

"What?" Kiggen Sunbaenim looks puzzled

"I know him Sunbaenim. He was my hoobae,we attended the same high school and university"

"Really?" Kiggen Sunbaenim asked and looked at me

"U-uhh.. Y-yes Sunbaenim"

"Oh, I see then that's good it wouldn't be hard for the two of you to get along"

What is good? IT'S NOT

"Okay now let's get moving"

I walked to my desk and Youngmin hyung-- I mean Youngmin sunbae did the same. I arranged some of my stuffs from my bag and organized them on my desk. I didn't bring all of my stuff yet so I only have a few to arrange.

"Hey," I turned my head and saw the girl I met in the elevator.

"Oh hey umm..."

"Jinra, Lee Jinra. I've been working here for 3 months now. I heard that you're a fresh graduate too so we're the same age!" I was quiet shy but I think she's nice and I don't want to be a jerk so I try not be.

"I'm Kim Donghyun"

"Nice to meet you! If you need anything you can come and talk to me"

"Thank you sunbaenim"

"Oh! You don't have to call me sunbae. Just Jinra is fine. Drop the formality"

"Okay, thank you Jinra I smiled and she also smiled back

"Yah! Lee Jinra! Stop bothering the new kid and do your work!" Kiggen sunbaenim scolded her after he spotted us talking.

"Oops...gotta go! See you later Donghyun!" Then she hurried to her desk.

It's nice to know that there is someone who's my age. I guess I won't feel that lonely.

But I was still uncomfortable with my current situation. He's just one meter away beside me! How am I suppose to calm at this rate?

형 // "H y u n g .  .  ." ※ A Dongpaca FFWhere stories live. Discover now