First day

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Wednesday. One of the days the five teenagers came together to train.  To train and become stronger to fight against the evil Lord Garmadon.

Who decided to attack the city at least once a week.

It may sound hard to give teenagers such a task, but they were totally fine with it. After all, everyone was getting tired of these attacks.

These five teenagers, chosen by Sensei Wu, the brother of Garmadon, seemed like ordinary people.

Kai Smith and his Sister Nya.

Jay Walker

Cole Brookstone

Zane Julien

Together they were the secret Ninja force....

that had never been active.

Yes, even though they were there to protect Ninjago, Sensei Wu always told them that they would be ready to fight at a special time.  And when that time came, they would to great things.

Now you may ask yourself where they were training, if it was secret. Well, it was an old building. A warehouse to be exact. A warehouse near the sea, where no one expected anyone to be.

And after school they met there, training with each other. And today Sensei Wu wanted to announce something special.

"What do you think it is? Sensei said it was important" Jay asked. Jay was a very active person. He talked as fast as lightning and smiled very often. But he could get shy too. Jay had bright blue eyes and brown hair with a few freckles on his cheeks.

"I don't know but I bet it will be awesome!" Kai said. Kai was Nyas big brother. He was a little hot-headed and passionate like fire. His wild brown hair reminded people of a porcupine. Since his birth Kai had a little scar on his right eyebrow and for some reason he always has a plaster on the upper left side of his face. His amber eyes were attractive to every girl. At least that was what he said.

"You're right bro. I don't even remember a time Sensei said anything important since we started training" Nya meant. As the little Sister she always had her protective brother there. But he did respect her power, she had always been able to protect herself. Her black hair was tied in a ponytail. Her light red lipstick matched perfectly with her dark blue eyes. That's what Jay said. He had a thing for her. A  little birthmark was on the right side of her face. A little bit away from the cheek.

"You are both right. I am as excited as you are, like a normal teenager" Zane commented. Not like the others, Zane was a robot even if he didn't stop insisting being a normal teenager to conceal himself. He had very light hair, almost white but more blonde, shaved off at the sides. Blue eyes that were to bright to be real. Zane was calm like ice never loosing his nerves. Had no sense of humor.

"Sensei always had his reasons to say something or nothing. But you're right, it will be awesome" Cole grinned. Cole was some kind of leader in the team. He always listened to music, even in the class. His black hair was slightly tied up, a headband holding some back. Cole had dark brown eyes and solid as earth itself.

"You are all right" an old voice behind them said. Sensei Wu always wore a straw hat and a stick, which he used to teach them and walk. His long white beard almost reached his knees.

"Sensei! Please please tell us what it is!" Jay said excitedly clapping his hands together and jumping up and down.

"It is more a someone than a something but you will know shortly. But first you must promise me to be respectful. Do not jump into conclusions just because of who he is. I am asking you to get to know him properly, because he will be a part of your team" Sensei said calmly.

Kai nodded. "Sure whatever you want Sensei. He can't be that bad. Right guys" Kai looked at his teammates, which nodded in agreement.

Wu smiled but he still had doubt about this going well. He had no choice though. He couldn't hide it forever, they needed to know now.

"In that case" he turned towards the door of the warehouse "you can come in now" he called.

After a few seconds a teenager boy stepped into the old warehouse. He seemed to be very shy, the way he had his green hood of his hoodie on, some blonde hair falling out into view. His green eyes seemed to like the ground very much. It took a few seconds until he looked up and everyone beside the Sensei froze.

Now the teenagers knew why the Sensei had asked all of that.

It was Lloyd Garmadon, the Son of Lord Garmadon.

Kai's eyes narrowed as he stepped closer to his sister, ready for anything. He raised his sword pointing it at the blonde boy.

"That explains a lot. Why should we work with him" he said with venom in his voice. Lloyd visibly flinched looking at the ground again.

"Kai" Wu said warningly. He didn't want his nephew to be sad. He had hoped that the others would be ready and for Lloyd to finally get some friends. He saw that Lloyd was sad and lonely. He needed friends.

"No Sensei Kai is right. I bet he is just like his father" Cole glared at the blonde.

Lloyd just sighed. He should be used to this by now. But he would never get used to this. It was hard when everyone expected you to be like your evil warlord father, when in reality you just tried to be normal.

"Yeah, I wouldn't be surprised if he was just here to spy on us to help his father" Nya hissed. Zane just kept quiet. He didn't see a reason to make Lloyd sad.

"That is enough!" Wu said sternly.

"It's okay" Lloyd quietly said, looking up. He could feel the tears that build in his eyes threaten to fall and was sure they all could see them. It wouldn't change anything though.

"I'm used to it by now. I'm used to the fact that everyone hates me because of my father. I'm used to it that people think I shouldn't be there or that I'm some kind of mistake. I'm used to people starring at me with that look. That look that showed just how much they want me dead" he sighed sadly, trying to keep the tears in.

"But I will never understand why people do that. No one thinks about how I feel with this and no one considers who I really am or want to be. I can't be anyone I want to be. I don't have a chance to show who I am. I have never met my father, he left right after I was born. He doesn't remember my birthday and calls or cares for me. No one cares except my mother and uncle Wu" His voice was thick with tears.

Lloyd shook his head and looked at the ground once again. Tears fell onto the ground. He didn't notice the faces of the other teenagers soften as they considered what Lloyd had said and he was right.

"It was a nice try uncle. But people don't change just because you tell them to. I'll see you on Friday, for dinner like always. Just  call if you want to know what I make or get surprised like always" Lloyd turned for the door, ready to leave when a voice rung in his ears.

"Wait" to his surprise Kai had stopped him. The last person he expected to do that. Slowly Lloyd turned back around. You could see his tears now and the sad looks on the others faces.

"Maybe we should stop living in some kind of fairy tale. You at least deserve a chance" Kai smiled and slowly Lloyd  returned it. Maybe this could work.


Hey guys. This is something that has been bothering me for some time. From now on you can make request one shots but only for the movie. So make many requests and i see what I can do. I will update my other story's soon too.  That's all for now.


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