Part one

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Jack xLilly

Non smut:just cute


Eye color: green

Person: jack


Jacky💙: hey Lilly
Jacky💙:i need you to do sum for me
Jacky💙: look out your window
Lillllllly😍:ok why if Jenna here?
Jacky💙:Go out to Jenna
Lillllllly😍: ok she handed me a note...
Jacky💙: read ittt..
Lillllllly😍:ok it says go to Central I go there?
Lillllllly😍: ok omw but what are u having me do? Is Shawn Mendes gonna surprise me??
Jacky💙:you will have to wait and see love💜💜
Lillllllly😍: jackyyyyyyy
Lillllllly😍: wait y did you call me love?
Jacky💙: idk
Lillllllly😍:ok at Central Park
Lillllllly😍:ok now Sophia is here... jack what is this?!
Jacky💙:whats happening with her?
Lillllllly😍:she's handing me a paper...
Jacky💙: ok anddd
Lillllllly😍:it's a map... I swear if you flew Shawn Mendes out here to meet me when you haven't even met me...
Jacky💙: follow the map baby
Lillllllly😍:y all these nicknames we aren't even together yet haha
Ok it led me to a water fountain.
Jacky💙: ok now turn to you left
Lillllllly😍: ok i see a tree...
Jacky💙: ok go to that tree
Lillllllly😍:ok it's another note😂 jack!!
Jacky💙: what ose it say
Lillllllly😍: it says turn righ-

"JACK!!!!" Lilly said as she flew into jacks arms.
Lilly couldn't do it no more she started balling
"Jack why would yo- how much Was thi- AH OH MY GOSH JACK!" She said crying harder.
He pulled away and looked into her eyes
"Lilly.... I have an important question"
"Yes" she said almost choking on tears
"In the 8 months we've been texting, you have been the funniest most amazing person I've ever met, the late night phone calls, the early morning texts, the afternoon FaceTimes, everything has been so enjoyable and i know I am only 14 and barely know what I'm doing with my life, I make mistakes, you always take me back, Lilly I know i don't deserve you, I know it's dumb to ask... but Lilly Mae Lewis... will you be my girlfriend" he said almost crying himself
"Of course I will you stupid idiot" she said crying harder while embracing him in a hug
They pulled away, his hands still on her hips and hers on his neck
"I love you Lilly,and I have since I met you"
"I love you to jack" Lilly said placing a kiss on his lips

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