Chapter 49: Story Time

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D.J. and Sebastian sat in some chairs in front of some computers. They weren't doing anything on them, they just needed somewhere to sit and talk.

"So where have you been? You went completely silent after the funeral." D.J. casually. He did so on purpose knowing Sebastian had to push through it and answer. It was still tough, for both of them to remember, but they still had to focus and now, and not back then. That's what Jack would say.

"I've been busy. I have learned so much about you and I." Sebastian said a little excited. "I learned about our bloodline. I learned about what we can do and where we came from. Some of the things we can do, you won't believe!"

"Try me." D.J. flatly said. "It's magic, isn't it?"

"Yes, but what the limits are with it is amazing." Sebastian jolted his head back a little to indicate D.J. to look behind him. D.J. did so and his heart almost completely stopped. Sebastian was standing right behind him.

"What the fuck?!" He said lowering his voice. He knew it wasn't teleportation because he already seen that before and there was at least the sound of the person going away as well as he would have been able to see some form of smoke.

He stumbled his way back a little to see both of them in his vision.

"Cloning" Sebastian said, reassuring D.J. that it was and maybe not the Twins. "It's a very helpful spell."

The clone now spoke. "But it splits all stamina and power in half each time. So its best only used for when you're out numbered."

D.J. calmed down, then smirked with a little bit of sweat going down his head. "You know, you shouldn't scare me like that."

The clone stood next to Sebastian. He looked up and glowed blue, and evaporated. Sebastian glowed blue as well and magic... Orbs floated their way to him. D.J. knew that he had become whole once again.

"I've been training for I'm not even sure how long. I've spent yesterday to let my body rest but for the day I spent training, some may say it's inhuman." He said drinking some tea.

"So you've been training... Where'd you learn to do this kind of magic?" D.J. said taking his seat again.

"I can't tell you, but I can tell you, that you and I are very powerful sorcerers. Especially me. I was p prophesied to either save the world or end it." Sebastian said.

"That's why the Twins are here. They must have thought that it was your dad they wanted to capture, but instead, it was really you." D.J. started to piece things together.

Sebastian starred him down in amazement, confusion, and horror. "How did you know that? How would know what they were even doing here?"

"Well, like you, I can't tell."

"It was S.W.O.R.D., wasn't it?" Sebastian stated.

"Ugh, how'd you know?" D.J. wasn't even surprised.

"My dad has a shit ton of files on these computers." D.J. should have guessed. "Well, now we know that they want you. So that means we will have to protect you."

"Don't think I can't protect myself. I don't even go out often so I'm safe in here." Sebastian lied. And D.J. saw right through it.

"You know that's not true. Remember those military people? If I'm correct, they were supposed to flush Jakkai out." D.J. knew he had a point. They easily raided the apartment building above them. Now if you have professional sorcerers here, things were going to be destroyed. People were going to die.

"Well, true." Sebastian admitted. "That's why I brought you here."

D.J. knew exactly where this was going. "We are going to unlock my magic, aren't we?"

"You make it sound easy." Sebastian closed his eyes. "We'll only teach you certain spells."


"Invisibility, teleportation, and illusion. I want to expand your magic use so you can use it to make yourself look like your old self to make Don James and Stun-Man appear to be two separate people. I also want to train your mind to basically defend yourself against phycological attacks. You know, like mind control or more likely mind manipulation. Manipulation is easier to do, uses less magic, and less of a strain.

"I would also do some more of training my mind, but there's not time. I did as much of that as much as I can. But for now, lets go get you some magic."

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