Chapter Nine

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Marley sat staring out at the San Francisco bridge, Billy next to her and Neha on his other side.

"I don't believe there hasn't been one boyfriend," Billy said to Neha.

Neha shook her head, "Nope. That's embarrassing."

"It's nothing to be embarrassed of. You have plenty of time. I mean you're the whole package. You're beautiful. You're smart. You have great teeth. And terrific shoes, I'm always excited to see what kind of get-up you're going to throw together." Billy complimented as Neha let out soft giggles. Marley smiled at the two before looking back ahead of her, taking in the view while thinking of everything that has happened the past few days.

"There's a lot of great things going for you, for the both of you. Some guy is going to find himself very lucky to be next to you two."

Marley bit her lip, wanting to believe Billy's words, but remaining unconvinced.

"I'm not so sure about that, Billy," she muttered looking down at her feet.

"Well I am. You may not see it, but you are so much more than you believe, Marley. You should never think bad about yourself because you are truly one in a million. That may not mean much coming from me, but I've been around a bit and I know that you are a special kid and you're going to do amazing things one day, both of you will. And I already know of one guy who would love to be able to stand by your side and call you his."

Marley glanced up at Billy to find nothing but sincerity and truthfulness in his eyes.

"Thank you Billy, but I really don't think he likes me as much as everyone says he does. Even if he did, I'm not right for him. Stuart deserves much better than me," Marley replied looking down sadly.

Marley desperately wanted things to be different, but she didn't know how to change them. Every time she starts feeling good about herself, her family comes back to remind her of her flaws, doing everything possible to rub them in her face. She hated it. She hated that she lets them control her life, but she doesn't know what to do to fix it. She thought maybe that if she won the internship, they would start to respect her, but the more she thought of it the further that hope became. Deep down, she knew that they would never change, so why was she doing this to herself? What was she trying to prove?

"Look, Marley, I know you're scared, but you shouldn't let fear and self-doubt ruin your chances with Stuart. He cares about you. Hell, I've seen him look at you more than I've seen him on his phone!" Billy exclaimed.

Marley laughed at the older intern. The smile remained on her face as she realized just how much she had gained in such a short amount of time. Marley felt Billy wrap his arm around the small girl, giving her a hug before pushing her out of her seat and towards Stuart. Neha smiled widely at her friend, encouraging her to go over and talk to the boy.

Marley rolled her eyes at the two, but couldn't hide the smile on her face. She walked over to Stuart, Nick leaving his side once he noticed the blonde. Stuart hadn't noticed her presence until she stood in Nick's previous place. Neither said word. Both were desperate to start a conversation but lost on how to do so without it being so awkward between the pair.

Marley took a deep breath while staring straight ahead, before finally deciding to speak.

"Thank you," She said, never once tearing her gaze away from the morning haze surrounding the Golden Gate Bridge.

Stuart turned to the girl, confusion crossing his features while he waited for her to continue.

When Stuart hadn't responded, Marley focused her attention on him, only to find him already watching her.

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