EreMika || By Your Side

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"I'm glad that everyone came back for me." Eren said with the most gratitude, clearly speaking to the woman by his side. The woman held a look of long-time worry and sadness, but it also held a pleading one. She was in need, and he never realized it until she said, "Eren... please... come home." The teal-eyed adult looked at her, still trying to fathom her appearance. Her hair was cut even shorter after she grew it for awhile back in Paradis. It was ironic it turned out he now had long hair, and she had the opposite. But he didn't send the Survey Corps here for him to see how much she's grown. He came here to do something. Yes, something. It was far more important for him than for Levi, Mikasa, or even the entire Survey Corps. Eren had his own agenda, and it was certainly not for their purpose but for his, entirely. However, his purpose did happen to concern the world; which can't be helped. And certain people decided to tap into it, sharing the burden. One person from it all would be Mikasa.

"Please..." She said once again and he stayed silent, staring onto the tendons of his titan's nape. It's been 4 years since then, where everything almost ended, and still began anew for humanity's survival. But life didn't say it was over yet, and neither did Eren. "You know I can't do that yet, Mikasa." He answered. The black-haired soldier sat down on the side of his titan's shoulder and set her weapons down to the side. "And you know I won't leave you, Eren." She replied, looking into his eyes. As always, Mikasa was stubborn when it comes to keeping him company. However, she did soften up around him and let him do what he thought was right. He was relieved that she supported the decisions he made for everyone, and she stood by him ever since. But after he left for the Marley, she had no choice but to feel depressed deep down. "Eren... you have no idea, how much, I have wanted to see your face. It's... been awhile." She said quietly and he cracked a small smile. "I know," but then his smile turned into a frown, "but I have to do this on my own Mikasa. Can't you see I'm trying to fight for all our survival? All these matters that I'm dealing with right now don't concern anyone of you," he looked at the Warhammer Titan that stood down for the meantime after the Ackermann pierced through its nape with the thunder spears. "Eren, as much as we know, it does concern us. You know how I am when it comes to these things... you're not doing this alone... we can still think about our next move if you come with me right now. Please..." She pleaded him, but it only resulted in a shake of the head.

"I have to do what needs to be done. Sometimes you're too hardheaded to understand what survival really means." She sat there shocked. "Eren! Do you know how long I've endured without your presence for 4 years? Do you? I felt like hell when I couldn't be by your ambitious ass! I wanted to be by your side ever since! When can you ever understand that I'm not doing this for me- I'm doing this for you and everyone else!" He spats, "What's that got to do with everyone else when all you do is roam around to save my reckless ass? I was wrong, I see you still lack trust in me." Mikasa glared at him. "I don't! I've always trusted you, Eren- always! You gave me a reason to, that's why I am protecting you!" Eren groaned, "Ugh! Another one of your goddamn protection nonsense! I thought we were over this? I am neither your baby, or your brother! You are definitely not my sister, and you are most definitely not my mother at all! So stop trying! I need to learn how to be independent." She scoffed, "Independent, and you decide to call the Survey Corps for what- to use us to accomplish whatever plan you had? Look, I'm just saying... I am protecting you so that you can be alive to save the world! Jesus- why should you always believe I protect you for my sake? It's a promise I keep for Carla. Back then, when we were kids, she told me to keep watch of you and we should look out for each other. But no. I realize, we've just drifted further away because of the differences of our ambition, and purpose. I live my life solely to protect you, even if it costs mine. And you live your life so rashly... I- I always had to step in and protect you so you can move forward for all of us, you ungrateful bastard!"

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