The Vampire Goddess

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Okay I know everyone on this writes about pretty much all the same things. So I am trying something different.

Chapter 1-

New beginnings

Shopping. One of me and my new "best friend" Heather's favourite things to do. "OMG WHAT ABOUT THIS!!?" Heather cried coming out of the changing

rooms wearing a dress so low at the front and back, she looked like a prostitute. "Wow it looks amazing" I lied like a pro. "Really Blaisette? You think?!" She

asked me excitedly, while in her mind she was thinking "I will totally outshine you!" At me. "Oh yeah" I said, bored of my new "friend" already. Actually she'd

gotten so annoying in the past week I would probably just use her for blood supply and kill her. Or maybe keep her alive, wipe the experience from her mind

like it was a whiteboard. "I like, totally can't wait!" Heather was squealing as she admired herself in the mirror. So it was definitely death then. Heather was a

rich, skinny fake blonde slut I "made friends with" to keep up the facade of a young girl who's parents were always away on business. And for that I needed a

bestie like Heather to grace my new school with. You see, I'm a 1,000 year old half vampire half goddess and that meant I was staying 17 and gorgeous

forever. I'm not vain or anything, it's just a well known fact that when a predator of the night and the most handsome, important vampire ever and the most

beautiful and important goddess of the sun have a kid, it's gonna look nice. I have deep mahogany brown hair down to my waist (which can regrow if I go into

the sunlight and ask it to, my mom being able to make everything grow, being the goddess of the sun and all), I'm 5'9 without heels, I have eyes so dark

they're almost black

(that go red when I am really thirsty) and of course porcelain skin. My thoughts drifted to my parents who, after I was born, sacrificed their bodies when I

turned 17, although their spiritual selves still lived a.k.a my father in the night, my mother in the day. "So what are you gonna wear?" Heather said slyly,

snapping me out of my daydream. "A surprise" I said an eighth of a second later. Heather didn't look happy but I didn't care. "Lets go"I said to her, nicely, for

this would be the last party she would go to in her short human life.....

What do you think!!!!??? Should I go on? I have some ideas for this story!!! So Ineed at least 10 votes 5 comments to continue!!!!


(All rights to this story are belong to me and if anyone copies this story it is punishable by law)

Chapter 2-Mysterious boy

When I got home I had a shower and changed into the dress I'd bought while Heather was in the changing room. It was a black and dark gold dress that

when you turned showed layers of netting in black and gold patterns. With a pair of simple black heels and a little black jacket I knew I looked stunning.

Maybe Heather wouldn't be my only meal after all... I was taken out of my thoughts when the doorbell rang. "Just a second!" I called, for once not having to

pretend to be excited. As I walked past my mirror though, there was a small problem. "Heather, just wait one more second I forgot my purse!" I called as I

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 27, 2010 ⏰

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