Secret lovers

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So its my birthday!!I hope you enjoy this chapter
Jay storms into evie's room to evie and chad
J:evie can i talk to you in private
E:oh umm me and chad are kinda in the mid-
Jay leads evie to her balcony
J:you have 30 seconds to explain
E:explain what
J:you and chad tick tock
E:its so then no one would suspect us
J:ok but do you really have to pretend kiss him
E:yes to keep it realistic....wait...Jay are you jealous
Jay catches on to his actions
J:ummm noo...gotta go bye
Jay hightails it out of there
E:ok where were we(smooch)
Jay's POV
J:coach what do you suggest
Coach:i suggest you take scripted wrestling after all this season's over in less than a week
J:ok I'll try out
As jay was on his way to his dorm he felt a hand grab his and he held onto it
Cj:babe where have you been i haven't heared from you in two days
J:oh I've just been really busy with tourney(lies)
Cj:evie is so annoying all she talks about is her boyfriend but i know i have a better one
J:ya sure do ya sure do..
Cj:so i was thinking we could maybe stop by the mall
J:yeah sure whatever you want babe
Cj:(kisses jay's cheek)im gonna go get ready
J:(evie made a strategy so why not try it out,boy is this going to be a long afternoon)
Cj had worn a black laced dress with blue stripes and of course Evie and Chad went so evie put on a black laced dress with blue stripes
Both couples decided to shop in "Hot topic"
Cj:babe imma look over by the buttons
Evie was shopping in the jewlery section and jay seen cj(i mean evie's)'s dress
Jay wraps his arm around Evie (thinking its cj)
E:oh chad
jay immediately unwraps his arms around her and looks for Cj
Evie's POV
Me and chad agreed to go to the mall and we decided to go to "Hot Topic"in search for something sexy,creepy,and innocent
E:hun im gonna be in the jewlery section
Ch:ok baby
Evie looks for something nice to wear
I felt chad wrap his arms around me
E:oh chad
I feel chad tensen up
E:(wait chad doesn't wear sleevless shirts or workout that much)
I feel whoever it was let go and run off
Jay's POV
J:babe are you-
he bumped into chad
Ch:hey watch it man
J:you bumped into me
Evie's POV
Evie looks throught the jewlery and sees a really pretty necklace and reaches for it but another hand also reached for it
Cj:well well well
Cj:its mine
E:i had it first
Jay and chad heared bickering in the jewlery section
Jay and chad see evie and Cj pulling each others hair
J:I've got this
Jay carries cj out with her yelling over his shoulder
At the party
J:babe calm down your better than this
Evie walks near jay and cj's table
And cj throws her champagne on evie who jumps on top of cj as they both start fighting
Soon cj and evie get up and jay gets between them
J:girls stop
Then evie runs off to her dorm and cj's escorted out to her dorm and couldn't leave for the rest of the night
Jay follows evie
Evie's POV
Evie had the water running and turned it off.Evie was going to undress but heared a knock at the door
Evie opens the door to jay who shuts it behind him
J:Evie im so sorry
Evie starts tearing up
J:E whats wrong
Evie kisses jay who then removes evies robe along with his own clothes
and lays next to her in the tub
E:(moans)oh jay
As jay kissed her neck
Evie lost complete control and wrapped around jay's neck
Jay then continued to passionately kiss evie but then
Phone:6 missed calls from Cj
Jay gets up and dries off and puts his clothes on and leaves evie alone in the tub
E:Ive been up three days adderall and redbull,this call is a mistake.There's something strong in this water bottle.I hear ya got a new chick,a dancing little barbie doll,i feel so pathetic but you haven't heared it all.FUCK THAT NEW GIRL THAT YOU LIKE SO BAD,SHES NOT CRAZY LIKE ME,I BET YOU LIKE THAT,I SAID FUCK THAT NEW GIRL THATS BEEN IN YOUR BED,I KNOW WHEN YOUR IN HER IM IN YOUR HEAD.Im just sayin you could do better,Always turned you out everytime we were together.Once you had the best boy you can't do better.BABY IM THE BEST SO YOU CAN DO BETTER.....
Evie scrubs herself until her body is red

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