2.0 : Icecream for the Broken Hearted

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Ryan turns the key in the ignition, watching Brendon buckle himself in the seat  next to him. Ryan hears the click from Brendon's buckle that means his seatbelt is locked. Ryan decides not to put on his seatbelt, he believes it is pointless.

"Put on your seatbelt." Brendon states, motioning towards Ryan.

"I don't need it."

"If we crash-"

"We won't. I'm a great driver."

"Yeah?" Brendon replies, trying to stifle a laugh.

"I am. You don't believe me?" Ryan glares at Brendon, who is now hysterically laughing. "I'll take that as a yes."

"No, I think you are a good driver. By the way, I haven't told you my address."

"I don't need it yet. We're gonna get some icecream now."

"Wait, what?"

"We are getting some icecream. Is that a problem? Cause we could get something else-"

"No, it's not. Why are we getting it?"

"Well since your girlfriend left you, icecream always heals a broken heart."

Ryan mentally slapped himself in the face after he made that comment. It got awkwardly quiet before Brendon started to talk again.

"Why are you here?"

"I beg you pardon?"

"I don't mean in it a mean way, but why are you here? No one ever comes here. It's the same old people in that diner."

"I don't know. I normally bounce state to state."

"Alone?" Brendon asks, this time turning his body towards Ryan. His voice becomes small and sympathy.

"Yeah..." Ryan gulps.

"Why?" Brendon states in that same sympathetic tone anyone else gives him. Ryan was about to answer why he bounces place to place, then he decided not to. That was already too much information for is liking.

"I dunno, I guess I like traveling." Ryan lies. It seems as though Brendon believes him.

"I like you. This time you should stay around, Ryan. For a little bit?" 

"I might take you up on that." This statement makes Brenron crack into a huge grin, kind of reminding Ryan of a child.

"We're here." Ryan states, exiting the car.  Brendon also edits the car, going towards the small red shack that states "Patrick's Icecream" in those fifties-styled lettering.

A small man appears at the window. His shirt that he is wearing has sweat stains and his cheeks are stained a rosy red. His longer, red/blonde hair sticking to his ears drips sweat that runs down the side of his face.

"Hello!" He states," I'm Patrick, what would you like?"

"Oh, may I have a soft served icecream on a cone." Ryan states.

"What size?"


"Okie dokie. Are you two gentlemen ordering together."

"Yeah we are." Ryan states, smiling  at Brendon. A small smirk appears on Patrick's face for a split second, but is wiped away with his hand when he touches his mouth to wipe the sweat that is dripping. Ryan knows that type of smirk. It's the kind of smirk your friend gives you when you start looking at your crush or when your crush looks at you. Ryan is all too familiar with that smirk. That's the smirk that caused him to start wandering.

"What would you like, sir?" Patrick asks, making breif eye contact with Ryan that sends shivers down his spin. This caused a different type of sweat to form on is neck. 

He knows! He knows! He knows!

"Same thing as him." Patrick nods and comes back with two soft served chocolate ice cream cones. He hands both icecream cones to the men and tells them their total.

"I got it." Ryan says, digging into his pocket for money

"No, I got it." Brendon states, copying Ryan's motion.

"No, Sarah broke your heart. I pay for your icecream."

"Fine."  Brendon replies, eating his icecream.

"Thank you." Ryan gives the man the money and they both head towards the car.  Ryan flicks on the air conditioner and they both sit in the car, eating their icecream.

"This means so much to me, Ryan." Brendon says in a low voice that makes the butterflies return the Ryan's stomach. "Thank you."

"Anytime..." Ryan states, trailing off and looking in Brendon's eyes, smiling. Brendon does the same thing too, just look at Ryan and smile. Brendon then forcibly coughs and looks out the window, avoiding anymore eye contact from Ryan. This makes Ryan sad and look ahead of him. He sees Patrick staring at them, with that same smirk on his face. Ryan glances again and hurriedly looks away.

"I think you should drop me off now."

"Can I see you tomorrow?"


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