Rides Home and Family Drama

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I wake up to the very annoying and unpleasant sound of my alarm. I reach out for my phone, dismissing the alarm before looking at the time. 6:00 AM. School starts at 7:30 everyday. I hated having to get up this early, but it gives me an hour to get ready, and 30 minutes to get to school.

I groan and roll out of my comfy bed. I walk to my closet and pick out my outfit for the day before walking out of my bedroom and into the bathroom. I jump into the shower and stay in there for a lengthy amount of time contemplating life, and wondering what the day will bring me. When I'm done, I dry myself off and change into my outfit I had already picked out. I do my makeup and decide to curl my hair. Lastly I brush my teeth then grab my school bag before heading downstairs to have breakfast.


"Ready for another day?" Jackie asks me as I enter the combination for my locker.

"Surprisingly I am, but I want to get it over with." I say, while starting to grab stuff out of my locker.

The hallway was filled with people everywhere. Everyone was either walking to their classes, or just standing at their lockers having conversations with their friends. For some reason I found myself looking around the sea of people trying to spot Joel, but there was no sign of him, and only being 5 foot 1, I could barely see over peoples heads.

Joel had been on my mind since I got home from school yesterday.

There was just something different about him. I know it sounds crazy for me to say that considering we only spoke to one another for less than a minute yesterday, but I just had this feeling in my gut that he wasn't like most of the guys I've met in my past.

"Hello? Earth to Santana." Jackie said, snapping me out of my deep thoughts.

"Sorry what?" I ask, not knowing if she was just talking about anything while I was spaced out.

"Are you ok?" She asks. "You spaced out there for a couple seconds."

"Yeah I'm fine." I say, shutting my locker.

She raises her eyebrow skeptically but nods.

With that, we walk together to our first period class, and the second we walk into the room my eyes find the boy that has been stuck on my mind. He was already looking at the doorway where I was standing, almost as if he were expecting me.

He smiled at me, and that was enough to make my whole face heat up. I smiled back and awkwardly waved at him.

"Hey lets sit over here." Jackie says. I break my gaze from Joel as she leads me towards two desks that were unoccupied.

Mrs. Painter soon started the class but I was having the hardest time concentrating on the lesson. I was thinking of Joel. I was sitting two rows in front of him and I swear I can feel his eyes burning a hole into the back of my head.

I turned my head around and sure enough I caught him looking in my direction. He tried to look away but it was too late. He just looked back down at the work he was doing.

I couldn't help but smile at his cuteness. I turned back around and focused on my worksheet.


Finally, lunch time came and just like yesterday I sat with the girls.

I had found out that Joel and I have all of our morning classes together. I wonder if we have all our afternoon classes together as well. I guess I'll have find out after lunch though.

"Hey do you guys know when volleyball tryouts are?" I ask the girls, assuming they might know.

Yes I am a volleyball player, and a basketball player. Volleyball had to be my favorite though. As usual, every school has their seasonal sports and I know, volleyball, football, and soccer start now as part of the fall sports. I just hope I'm good enough to earn a spot on the team.

In Your Arms  {Joel Pimentel}Where stories live. Discover now