Love Eternal

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Once upon a time, during the age of magic and dragons. The time when fairytales took place; was the story of a famous, young knight. Sir Cassius was his name. He was a heroic, handsome and very strong knight. During the time that he served his kingdom, a great magic war broke out between the kingdom Sir Cassius served and an evil, power hungry kingdom. The kingdom that Sir Cassius served had magical powers of light; the opposing kingdom had black magic on their side. Sir Cassius was the most powerful wielder of light magic and the most trustworthy knight to the Queen and was chosen to lead the battle. Lady Rosalina was Sir Cassius' newlywed wife. She was kind, beautiful and very popular with the people in the kingdom. Lady Rosalina was distraught with the thought that her husband was going into such a dangerous battle, she couldn't stand the idea of losing the love of her life so soon. Sir Cassius knew that his wife was upset so before he left for battle, he told her not to worry and promised she would see him again. During the battle, Sir Cassius' army suffered many casualties and were on the brink of defeat. Sir Cassius knew he could not let those demonic sorcerers into the Queen's beautiful kingdom, and he was faced with a hard choice. His queen or his wife. His job was to serve his queen, but his duty as a husband was to love his wife, but what kind of husband would he be if he let the enemy take over the kingdom? If the enemy won, he would surely die and never see his wife again, by taking this risk, he at least had a chance of seeing his wife again and returning victorious to his Queen. From the kingdom of light, word came back that their army was not doing as well as they had hoped and to prepare for evacuation because the inevitable may be close. When Lady Rosalina heard this news, she was overcome with worry for her husband. She mounted her horse and rode off towards the battlefield where her husband was. The danger of the situation she was putting herself in did not matter to her, all she cared about was Sir Cassius. Before the last battle, Sir Cassius made the difficult decision to cast a dangerous spell that would greatly increase his power, but the history of this spell was tragic. Everyone who had previously cast this spell had passed away from having too much power in their body, but this was a chance Sir Cassius was willing to take. The battle was coming to its end, the opposing kingdom released a giant wave of dark magic towards the kingdom of light's army, and the kingdom of light shot back with a huge wave of light magic that was enhanced with the special spell that Sir Cassius cast. The collision of the two waves of magic created a giant explosion that stretched several miles outside of the battlefield. Lady Rosalina who was rushing towards the battlefield saw the giant explosion and watched in horror as she could only imagine what her husband's fate was. The explosion reached as far as where Lady Rosalina had stopped her horse and hit her and her horse head on. The explosion knocked Lady Rosalina off her horse and rendered her unconscious. When she awoke, she learned that she had been asleep in a coma for ten years. Instantly remembering what had happened prior to her waking, she asked what the fate of her husband Sir Cassius was. Much to her dismay, the response was not one that she had hoped. They told her that after the explosion he disappeared and had not been heard of or seen since, but that the kingdom of light was victorious in their battle and that because of Sir Cassius the kingdom was now at peace. The people also informed her that Sir Cassius was now a hero to the people of the light kingdom and that they now had a holiday to celebrate the light kingdom's victory and to remember all that Sir Cassius had done for them. Lady Rosalina was pleased to hear that her husband was the one to bring peace to the kingdom of light, but she was deeply saddened that her husband had disappeared and was presumed dead. Lady Rosalina was now thirty-three years old because of the ten years she had been unconscious. It was noticeable that she looked the same that she did when the war was going on and that she had not aged a bit. This came off as strange to the lady, but she brushed that thought aside because there was something more important that she needed to figure out. She wanted to know what had happened in that battle and the fate of her husband, since no one knew exactly what happened. All of the soldiers from each side disappeared as well. There was no one to return to tell the story, the only way the kingdom heard of their victory was when the opposing one had surrendered and offered peace. The queen of the light kingdom happily offered Lady Rosalina a team of men to help aid her in her quest to unravel the mystery of Sir Cassius. Years passed, and nothing was found of the brave knight or any of his men. The same peculiar symptom was affecting Lady Rosalina; she had not visibly aged since the explosion during the battle occurred. She went on to seek professional help about her condition of what seemed to be eternal youth. The doctors of her time presumed it to be some sort of curse from the result of the impact of the collision of dark and light magic hitting her head on. She did not want to accept that she would be twenty-three years old for all of eternity. She searched for a cure throughout the entire kingdom, but everything that seemed to be a cure had no effect on the lady. A hundred years passed and all of the people that lived during that great battle had been long gone, yet Lady Rosalina was still a young woman. Finally accepting that she could not age, she frantically searched for the answers to the mystery concerning her husband. She asked for help everywhere, but no one believed her story of being over one hundred years old and looking so young. Everyone from her time had already died. The people mocked her, calling her crazy and deeming her mentally ill for having such absurd thoughts. The same pattern occurred for a thousand years, her searching for answers and help, people refusing to help her, and her not aging. Even as the years went on, Lady Rosalina never found another lover. The vow "until death do us part" was something she did not admire, even if Cassius was dead, they didn't have to part, because he was still in her heart. Rosalina never found love again, because she had all the love she needed with her. Finally, after the thousand years when Lady Rosalina happened to be telling her story to a group of people, one young girl about the age of ten whose name was Mira approached Lady Rosalina and told her that she would help her. She said "I believe you, ma'am. I know I'm young but I will offer all the help I can give you, that is if you want it." Lady Rosalina gladly accepted Mira's help, knowing that this would be the only help she would ever get and the two went off to solve the mystery of Sir Cassius. During the girl's travels, they came upon the house of an old witch. The old woman warmly invited the girls into her home to stay the night. Lady Rosalina and Mira told the witch of their journey and that they were trying to solve the mystery of Sir Cassius. They told her Lady Rosalina's story and of how she was really a thousand years old. Hearing this the old woman sighed, "Ah so the magic affected you too?" asked the witch. "What do you mean? Do you know of the story?" asked Rosalina. "Oh darling, I lived that story. You see, the battlefield that the infamous battle occurred on is not far at all from here. You can even see the battlefield from here, but on to the more important matter. That last wave of magic from each side battling created some sort of energy that negatively affected everyone it hit. I saw those men disappear with my own eyes. All of those men had been knocked down after that explosion, but as they began to get up, they all started to slowly disappear one by one. Those poor men had no clue what was happening to them, they were so afraid. I can still see the look of terror across their faces as they looked at each other and saw themselves fading from existence. To be completely honest, I don't even know for sure what happened to them. All the horses and war animals disappeared along with the men. Their weapons just dropped to the ground and disintegrated as the men disappeared. I have been here ever since and not aged after that tragic day." Replied the witch. "I have been searching for answers for a thousand years! Where have you been? Why are you all of the sudden telling me this now?! I searched and searched for years and had no trace of an answer! Explain yourself to me!" yelled Rosalina. She was frustrated and on the brink of tears; she had been searching for so long and all of the sudden when she stops by some old lady's house she hears the answer she was looking for. "What was I supposed to do? No one would ever believe such a story. I tried telling people and even showing them with a spell that could show them the past, but they all told me I was crazy and no one believed a "crazy old witch", so I gave up and have stayed silent here ever since." Replied the old woman. Tears were slowly streaming down Rosalina's face and as they were, she slowly and calmly approached the witch and said "They've done the same thing to me. No one ever believed me. I-I'm sorry for being so brash and rude towards you. Please, may you show me the past? I want to see what happened." The witch sighed and cast the spell, showing Rosalina and Mira the past and the fate of the two armies. With tears in her eyes, Rosalina watched as her husband and his army sacrificed themselves for their kingdom; she watched as he slowly disappeared. The words he said before he met his fate burned in her mind and opened a floodgate of tears. "If this is where I meet my end, I can smile looking back on my life even though it was short. I served a wonderful queen, fought with an army of brave and selfless men, loved a beautiful and kind woman, and died doing what I love, protecting the ones I love. I know I did my job, and I can die peacefully knowing that. The only regret I have is that I am leaving behind my beautiful wife. Even though our marriage was short, our love for each other is eternal. Even though I may not be with you physically, Rosalina, I will always be with you in your heart, as long as you want me there. I wish you could hear this, and I wish you could know the truth about what happened here today, but unfortunately it looks like no one will be going back to tell our tale. I can only pray that one day you will discover the truth. This is not goodbye forever. I promised you that I would see you again, and I will. We will see each other again, even if it is not in this life. This is not goodbye forever. Just for now. Until then." Those were Sir Cassius' final words before he disappeared along with the other men. The vision of the past ended; Mira, the witch, and Rosalina stood in the small hut in silence after viewing the past. "Cassius, I wish you could hear me. I wish that you could see that I have been searching for the truth and that I have finally found it and that you are always welcome in my heart." Cried Rosalina. The mystery of Sir Cassius had been solved. The explosion containing light and dark magic was too much on the army's human bodies and caused them to disintegrate slowly. Sir Cassius and his army had sacrificed themselves to save their kingdom, and Cassius' dying wish was that Rosalina would one day discover the truth of what happened that day on the battlefield. As Rosalina turned to thank the witch, she discovered that she was slowly disappearing just as those soldiers did. "Please don't go! You've been such a huge help to us! Is there a spell to save you?" cried Mira. "Darling, I don't need saving. Sir Cassius' wish has been granted and now my curse is lifted. I can finally die in peace." Replied the witch as she faded away. "If the curse is lifted, then you will disappear as well!" stated Mira as she looked at Rosalina who had slowly begun to disappear. "Please! Don't leave too! You can't die! Just hang on okay. I'll find a way to help you!" yelled Mira as tears streamed down her face. Mira had become good friends with Rosalina on their journey and was not ready for it to come to an end, certainly not like this. Their journey was supposed to have a happy ending, not one where Rosalina died. "Don't Mira. I have been dying for a thousand years and now I will be with Cassius. He is waiting for me." Replied Rosalina. "B-But we were supposed to have a happy ending. Not like this! Please don't go, Rosalina!" cried Mira. "Don't you see? This is a happy ending. We started the journey to solve the mystery and we solved it, didn't we?" asked Rosalina who was trying to cheer the young girl up. "Y-Yeah I guess we did solve the mystery, didn't we? But y-you weren't supposed to die." Stated Mira who was sobbing. "Don't cry, Mira. Remember what Cassius said in the past? 'Even if I'm not with you here physically, I'll always be with you in your heart as long as you want me there." Replied Rosalina. "I don't want to say goodbye though, Rosalina!" said Mira who was wiping away her tears. "Hey, it's not goodbye forever. It's only goodbye for a little while. I promise you we will see each other again. I am so glad that I got to meet you and travel with you, Mira. You have been so sweet and a joy to travel with. I will miss you. Until we meet again." Replied Rosalina; and with those last words, she closed her eyes and disappeared. The next time Rosalina opened her eyes, her love, Cassius was standing in front of her. "The last time I saw you, I promised you I'd see you again. I always keep my promises, don't I?" asked Cassius. "You do." Replied Rosalina as she and Cassius embraced in a much needed and long awaited hug. "Sorry it took so long." Chuckled Cassius. "I waited a thousand years to see you, I can't believe we're finally together again." Replied Rosalina as a few tears rolled down her cheek. "I have waited here for a thousand years to see you, and I would wait a thousand more if it meant I got to be with you in the end. Now don't cry, we are together, now aren't we? So, what's there to cry about?" asked Cassius. The two lovers were now together forever and would never be separated again. Back on earth, Mira made the long journey home and whenever she felt alone, she remembered that she was never alone and that Rosalina would always be in her heart. Mira went back and told everyone of her story, and didn't care who called her crazy. When she had children of her own, Mira passed down the story of the heroic knight and his lover to them as well. Legend says that Cassius and Rosalina watched over Mira for the rest of her life. Mira lived a good, long and healthy life, but when her time came she joined Cassius and Rosalina and they all watched over Mira's descendants happily. Rosalina and Mira had a long-awaited reunion. The three supposedly have been living in peace ever since and will continue to do so for all of eternity. They truly have an eternal love.

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