Ch 1: The Start Of Falling

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My name is Miranda and I'm gonna tell you how I met my husband Taron Egerton. I'll tell you this much it was hard to be together especially with how todays society is and how a couple should look like especially if your spouse is famous it makes it a lot harder to stay together and be positive. The difficulty of the long distance throughout the years and all the media trying to split us up a number of times. I'll stop my blabbering and tell you how we met....

It was a raining day in London but that was nothing new I was on my way to work with a cup of coffee in my hand and while I was walking I caught a glimpse of the most gorgeous set of green eyes that I've ever seen. He also glanced at me we both smiled at each other and we both continued to walk as I was walking the rest of the way to work I couldn't get that mans eyes out of my mind that's all I could think about. Once I got to work I thought maybe giving me a bunch of stuff to busy my mind to get that mans gorgeous eyes and smile for that matter outta my head but everything that I've tried I just couldn't but I'm not complaining one bit it kept a smile on my face all day. I haven't smiled in a while and it felt nice to smile again and I can't believe that the reason I'm smiling is because of someone I've never even met. I was in such a good mood today. I was walking home and I had the tiny thought in the back of my mind that maybe I'll see him on the way home. I know what your thinking and that's what are the chances that you would see him on the way home especially with how many people live in London but it was a miracle I did see him and it was such a surprise that I did see him again I had doubt in my mind as well as hope that I would see which I did. The really surprising thing is that he stopped and introduced him self

" Hi my name is Taron and I know you don't know me but I saw you this morning and I can't seem to stop thinking about you." I was a little in shock when he spoke he has such a nice voice. I notice that he's waiting for a reply that's when I spoke " Hi Taron my name is Miranda and I know the feeling I also can't get you outta my mind since I saw you this morning must I say you have the most hypnotizing eyes that I've ever seen." I saw him chuckle a bit after I said that and I started to panic and think why did I say that? I think he notice the panic in my eyes that's when he said ' Hey don't panic I thought it was cute and thanks for the complement on my eyes I would say the same about your eyes that are absolutely beautiful along with the rest of you." I blushed and giggled a bit he laughed along with me. We laughed together until he said " How would you feel about going on a date with me?" I was in shock after he asked me out. i finally calmed my nerves and finally answered " I would absolutely love that." He had the biggest smile on his face and replied with " That's the best thing I've heard all day how bout we go out Saturday at 8 is that ok?' I smiled and thought I can't believe that this is happening and replied with " That would be amazing I guess I'll see you then." He smiled and I smiled back and we exchanged numbers and walked out separate ways with the biggest smiles on our faces.

* Saturday*

I was so nervous for this date I haven't dated in so long. It was 7:00 and that's when I started to get ready I was in the shower for about 20 minutes thinking about what I'm going to wear on this date. Once I got out and wrapped a towel around me and decided to do my hair and make-up and after I was done with that I was in my closet figuring out what I was going to wear I've been through half of my clothes when I saw the perfect dress it was dark green and was sexy but in a modest way It went down to my knees and it had a small v neck cut. I haven't wore the dress in so long but it still fit like a glove. after I did that and slipped on some flats cause I hate heels I only will wear them if its mandatory. I was all ready with 10 minutes to spare with that I sat down and decided read a little. While I was reading I heard the doorbell and opened it I froze when I saw Taron he was dressed in a button up shirt and a nice pair of jeans that could pass as dress pants. He saw I froze and finally spoke up " Hey Miranda you look so beautiful are you ready to go?" I unfroze and took the hand he extended when he realized I unfroze. Once I took the hand I finally spoke" Hi Taron sorry I froze you look really handsome." He smiled and acknowledged the compliment I said to him. He opened his car door for me and smiled and told him thank you. Once he got in the car we finally started to drive to wherever Taron had planned for this date. As we were driving I noticed that we were going away from the city and into the country as I noticed it I decided to speak up " Taron where are we going?" He smiled and took my hand into his own and said " I wanted to do something different from every other first date." I smiled as he told me what were doing and told him " I'm glad that you decided that because I haven't dated in such a long time and I'm glad your doing something different from everyone else." He had a smile on his face as he focused on the road as he drove to the destination and finally spoke up as he realized I said that I haven't dated in such a long time " Miranda why haven't you dated in a long time?" I replied to his question with " I don't know no guy has shown interested in me in a long time until I met you." He nodded and said " Well those men are idiots for not acknowledging in such a beautiful women in their presences." I was a little shocked at his statement and left it at that as we have now reached our destination I assume.

As Taron got out to open the door for me as the gentlemen that I've noticed him to be I took in the beauty of the place that he has brought us to. I got out of the car and took his hand as he walked to the trunk of his car to pull out a picnic basket and a checkered blanket. Once we were ready we walked over to a gorgeous lake as we got closer I noticed all the beautiful lights that are hanging in the trees. When we finally stopped and Taron placed the blanket down and helped me down onto I finally decided to speak " Wow Taron this is so beautiful how long did it take you to set this all up?" He sat down and while he was taking out dinner I assume he told me " It took a couple of hours but that doesn't matter all that matters is that I'm here with you and I'm gonna make sure we have a great date." My heart fluttered as he spoke those words and I was thinking how no guy that I've ever dated has never put this much effort in a date. We talked about family and our childhood and everything else while we dined under the starry night in the country of England. As time passed by I started to really like Taron I haven't felt like this in such a long time but it felt good I even kind of missed this feelings. I guess I got lost in thought because Taron started to say " Hey you ok?" I smiled and nodded he put his arm around me and said " Good I got a little nervous if its ok my I ask what were you thinking about?" I turned a bit and held is had as I looked and him and told him " I was thinking about how lucky I am to be on a date with such a great guy." He smiled and stood a little taller I can tell he's got a little more confidence and I was glad because I really like him. I spoke up as I noticed that and said " I'm glad I noticed you because I don't know when the last time I've felt like this and I'm glad I do Taron." He looked a little surprised and Said " I'm glad that you feel that way cause I feel that way to and I hope we can continue feeling this way." After he said that we both leaned in and kissed. As we were kissing I felt such a big spark I've never felt like that ever before when I kissed someone. I didn't want to pull away but we had to cause we needed oxygen. once we pulled away we both simultaneously said "Wow." Taron was the one who spoke first after we both said what we said and he told me " I'm glad we went on a date because I've never felt anything like that when I've kissed other girls I'm glad I took the chance and kissed you." I nodded in agreement. We just laid on the blanket for what seems like hours till we both started to get chilly and that's when I heard him suggest " Maybe we should start heading back even if I don't want this night to end but I don't want either of us getting a cold because I want to take you out again sometime." I nodded in agreement and with that Taron got up and gave me his hand to help me up. He folded the blanket and put everything away in the basket and we walked hand in hand to the car. When we got there Taron opened my door and helped me in before putting away the stuff in the trunk and then got in the car himself. With that we drove back to the city of London and we held hands all the way to my house. Once we got there he walked me to my front door and as I unlocked the front door I turned around to say goodnight to Taron. As we were saying goodnight we both kissed each other and when we pulled away our foreheads were resting on each other as I said " I never want to forget that feeling that I get when I kiss you Taron." He replied with " I won't let you forget that feeling cause I also don't want to forget this feeling either so will you go out with me again tomorrow?" I was speechless so I just nodded. We stood there like that for I don't know how long till we knew that we had to go to bed. So Taron kissed me one more time and said " Goodnight Miranda I'll see you tomorrow sweet dreams." I replied " Goodnight Taron see you tomorrow." With that I watched from the doorstep as Taron got into his car and drove off. I closed the door and had the final thought of I don't want this feeling to go away.

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