| MONSTA X | Imagine #3 - Hyungwon |

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Month Edition: February - 2018.

Summary: Y/N is falling in love with Dodo or Hyungwon?! (Suggested).


It was a normal day like always, you wanted to see your new best friend Dodo, you became really close these last weeks, you hang out very often, for some reason she knows all MONSTA X members, and she always starts to compliment Hyungwon. You started to bother her that she likes him, but she always denies it. You now Hyungwon a lot, he's one of your best friends, so do Dodo, that's why you want to hang out with both of them, but for some weird reason when Dodo comes around Hyungwon can't come, and when you want Dodo to come, she doesn't because Hyungwon is with you. It's such a mess and such a weird situation to you.

Right now you are at a café with Dodo, and once again you were lost in your thoughts.

-Y/N what are you thinking? – Dodo asked as she took a sip from her cappuccino.

-Nothing that important. By the way, do you know where Hyungwon is? He told me that he was about to come.

-No idea, but he will arrive soon.

-How can you tell? He is starting to be the worst, he doesn't care about me as before.

-That's not the truth! – Dodo said with a deep and manly voice. – Hmm sorry, my throat is hurting a bit – Dodo said as she returned to her sweet and girly voice.

-Dodo you scared me! You sounded like Hyungwon for a second. You have some issues with that throat – You said as you giggle a little.

-Y/N, can I ask you something? – Dodo said while taking your hands. You immediately started to blush.

-Yes, go ahead.

-Do you like me? – Dodo asked as she blushed a little.

-To be honest I love your personality and the way you act around people, you are really talented when it comes to dancing and I enjoy everything with you... - Dodo interrupted you.

-Just like with Hyungwon, right?

-Just like... What? Wait, why you pulled Hyungwon out of nowhere? - You asked confused.

-No nothing... I have to go, bye – Dodo said as she ran out of the place.

"What was that?" You asked confused about yourself. As soon as Dodo went away from there, you started to think about your feelings... do you really love Dodo? Or Hyungwon? Yes, you like him as well, but since Dodo came into your life everything started to get worse with Hyungwon, he barely hangs out with you because you are with Dodo. "Do I love her or him?" you asked to yourself confused. After not too long you saw Hyungwon walking towards your table, he said hello and then sat down with you.

-How's the day going?

-Do you really want to know Hyungwon?

-Yes, of course, that's why we are best buds.

-Well, I don't get why you always appear when Dodo goes away, and I don't know why Dodo appears when you go, why can I have the both of you here?! Like friends? Do you like her or what?! – You said really mad.

-Wow, slow down... come on Y/N calm down – Hyungwon said as he sat beside you, he started to pat your back, you lifted your gaze a little bit and you saw red lipstick on his right lip corner.

"Dodo had the same lipstick today".

As soon as you saw the lipstick on his face you push him away, and Hyungwon started to look at you with a confused gaze.

-Y/N? - He looked at you concerned.

-Why do you have Dodo's lipstick on your lips? - You asked upset.

-What?! Really?! - Hyungwon asked surprised.

-It's there! In the corner of your right lip.

-Oh, I see... hmm, Y/N I can explain - Hyungwon stuttered.

-No! Hyungwon, why you didn't tell me that both of you were dating?! That's why you don't want me to see you together?! You are so mean, we were supposed to be best friends and tell us everything - You complained upset.

-Y/N calm down, is not what you think, I promise I can explain.

-Oh really?! How?! Are you going to tell me that Dodo and you are the same people, and that's why you can't be at the same time with me?!

-YES! Exactly!

-Wait, what? Are you kidding me?! What's wrong with you?! You made me fall in love with Dodo and she doesn't exist! You cruel little frog! That's not fair! – You said madly as you started to hit Hyungwon with your hands.

Hyungwon started laughing and for him, it was cute to see you mad. Then he took your hands stopping you from hitting him again.

-Y/N do you really fell in love with Dodo? - He asked while looking at you.

-I mean... she was just like you, but in female version and with a girly and pitchy tone of voice. I really liked her company when you weren't around because she reminds me of you - You explained embarrassedly.

-Oh Y/N... I'm sorry for making you fall in love with her – Hyungwon said while laughing.

-You are the meanest. I can't believe you dressed as a girl just to be around me, just why?

-*Laugh* because I wanted to be closer with you, and because it was funny.

-Funny?! You dirty little frog!! – You said as you started to hit him again.

-Well, at least tell me if I'm a good actor – Hyungwon said while laughing.

-I should hate you.

-So why don't you do it?

-Because you are Dodo and at the same time Hyungwon... and after all I love you...


-Nothing – You said as blushing.

-Tell me what you said Y/N... - Hyungwon said as he started to get near your lips.

-I... don't want to... say it – You said as Hyungwon started to touch your lips little by little-. As soon as you closed your eyes, Hyungwon took you by the neck and started to kiss you deeply and gently, you started to caress his cheek as the kiss kept going. Then it ended when both of you ran out of air.

-Did I kiss Dodo or Hyungwon?

-Both – Hyungwon said with a smirk.

-What? - You asked confused.

-Just kidding. Just Hyungwon, no Dodo - He assured.

-Maybe I should kiss Dodo as well.

-*Laugh* maybe you should.


Hi, Monbebes I hope you as this "imagine"! This one was suggested and it an amazing idea! Thank you for supporting and loving MONSTA X

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Hi, Monbebes I hope you as this "imagine"! This one was suggested and it an amazing idea! Thank you for supporting and loving MONSTA X.

I hope you have a wonderful day! <3

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