CH 7: Mission Together

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A few weeks later after the party the so called Titania arrived, Lucy and her got to know each other, they shopped with the other girls and the two of them ate cake sometimes but not Erza's cake

It wasn't long 'til their first mission together including natsu, gray and of course the exceeds.

Lucy's POV ❤

It's passed 9 and it takes four hours until we get to the town, the mission is not that hard just stop Eisenwald from using lullaby and I heard this Erigor was the start of this mess. A few minutes passed by and I'm getting sleepy starring out the window, while patting Lance's head on my lap so I rested my head on Gray's shoulder I'm sure he wouldn't mind

I felt my eyes getting heavier by the minute, the next thing I knew all I see was black

Gray's POV ❄

Our trip to the Oshibana town
(A/N: I research which town they went so the Oshibana town isn't made up) was longer than I expected

I was getting sleepy then I felt something heavy on my right shoulder, when I look over my shoulder I blush at the sight, lucy leaning on my shoulder
Deja vu?

I also felt sleepy so I rested my head on Lucy's 'til I fell asleep

I open my eyes to hear the conductor saying we're almost at Oshibana town in 10 minutes

So I wake Erza and Lucy,
I was about to wake Natsu but decided not to considering he might barf on me

Time skip 10 minutes ⏰

When the train stopped, Natsu immediately shot up and ran kissing the ground
Talk about being a weirdo and yet here I am with no clothes

I finally found them with the help of happy, we followed suit behind them to a hotel erza booked 2 rooms yesterday

This sucks! Being with Flame brain in this mission is bad enough and now we are sharing a freaking room!!

This is so worse, we unpacked our stuff and decided to explore the town for clues, and right after we step out of the door deafening screams followed

Lucy's POV ❤

A lot of people were taken hostage into the station

"Erza we need the rest of the people to get out of here!"
We told them to leave the town for their own safety but some of them refused and thanks to erza they all left in fear

Why take hostages if you can broadcast it?
It doesn't make any sense, lullaby is a demon in a form of a flute that can produce a melody to kill the ones who hears it

"Unless it's a diversion!!"
They all looked at me weirdly
"Guys, why kidnap people if they are in a station where you can broadcast the melody and kill everyone in this town unless the kidnapping part is only a distraction!"
After a moment of silence processing what I just said they turned to me in unison

"Now let's go we don't have much time left"

We went inside the station and the first thing we saw was people tied up and members of Eisenwald

"They took the bait! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA"
one said laughing maniacally followed by the others

"We need to split up! Gray and Natsu find Erigor, Lucy you're with me" we nod to each other and did as we're told while Lance and Happy stayed with us

"Heaven's wheel armor!" I watched as Erza requip and did the first attack avoiding the hostages

"Hey Lucy switch with me" my demon self said
"No, Erza and the exceeds are with us"
"Fine, but next time I will come out of my own accord when we fight someone"
"Okay but please shut up now"

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