00 : KongArt

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Kongpob looking so pale right now, he walk to the BTS with no energy

At his hand, theres a cemetery vase that he hold so tight

His both eyes were red and swollen

Why you leave me honey?
You always tell me that we will be together until we die
But looked now...
You leave me first after we have tied a knot only for a month
You said you wont leave me

You lied to me
Khun Rak, Ciciel


At the other side of the BTS station theres a guy who looking so bad in appearance

He was holding a huge bag with him

Shia Rhin, you cheated on me
What lack of me?
We have been together for the whole 2 years
I have given you everything thatvyou want
I never complained
And this is what you give me back

I hate you, Rhin


Without anyone know, they both seat side by side waiting for the train to come

One holding a huge bag full of clothes and another one is holding tightly to his late wife cemetry vase

And no one even them know what their destiny are

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