Chapter 17 Chaos(Pt1)

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(Adrians Pov)

My head wasn't in the right place, I was with Damon now and nothing could really change that. But as much as i hated it Cole had a place in my heart and i don't know how considering so many things.

It was starting to get dark and I went outside to the balcony, I had so many thoughts going through my mind. What do i want? What am i looking for? It seems that no matter what my mind always came to one.

I couldn't rush into anything though, with Damon it seems like i feel electricity through my veins and he cares about me just as i care for him and he did take the first move. Maybe in a way i let that happen because I hated Cole from taking me away from my family.

Logan came to visit me but it's not the same, the thing is I made a home here in the Demon Wolves gang, but it seems to me that I'm not as involved as i should be. Maybe i didn't grow up with them, still it wouldn't hurt to give them a chance.

Although right now i wanted to take time for myself, away from both Cole and Damon so i got a piece of paper and a pen and started to write a note to Cole. I just needed to be somewhere that wasn't here.

I was done writing it, i took one last breath, i had to think about this for a quick second, do i really want to go? Without telling at least one person....

I had decided.

(Cole's Pov)

Why am I always the enemy? I am trying so hard to keep her comfortable here and for what? So she could disrespect me all the time? Maybe it'd be better if i didn't care about her at all it's better than getting hurt after all.

Someone came inside the garage but i didn't pay no attention "Adrian left!!!", yelled Dylan along with him were Carter, Jake, and Zack I knew he wasn't joking.

"What do you mean she left?", I asked calmly as i could.

"She left a note on her bed when I went to check up on her because of everything that happened of course she would need er bestf--"

I cut Dylan off "Dylan where is she?!"

"See that's the thing.. She didn't say she just said she needed to get away from everyone... What do we do Sir?"

I knew what i already I had to do, i put a tracker on her phone to locate her every move, it was just a precaution.

"Track her location down, NOW!!"

(Adrian's Pov)

Before I had to go to my destination, I sent Damon a message saying that he wouldn't see much of me, that I just needed time to think things through. He hadn't replied to my message so i was guessing he was busy.

I was currently driving through the woods, no one was really driving by here and well it seemed like a more isolated place to be where all you could do is think and just find a quiet place.

Not long after I saw a man about 27 that was parked on the side of the road trying to get his car to start. I pulled up and got out of my car.

"Hello are you doing okay?", I asked kindly.

"Frankly not really I was heading back home when i ran out of gas and now my car won't start "

"Well I was heading out here to get my mind off things but if you want i can drive you back to a gas station i saw not that long ago and get gas for your car.", i offered.

He sighed "Well your the first car I saw in two hours, so yes please if it's not too much trouble"

"No don't worry", I was walking back to my car when I felt a sting of pain hit my head, and then.. lights out.

I'm sorry it was a short chapter but i will end up updating soon :)

Thanks Loves-Lupe

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