His Smile

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(The group of four walked out of base through a tunnel to the city)
Cuphead: So how are we going to get away with murder without getting caught?
Boris: Well, look at Bendy for advise on being able to be the greatest at killing!
Bendy: *blushes* Boris shut it....
Cuphead: *thinks* BENDY IS SO CUTE WHEN HE BLUSHES! Wait... stop thinking like that... he doesn't like guys, wait he's gay...*smacks his head* *still thinking* Nice job Cups!
Bendy: Are you okay Cups?
Mugman: Yeah, you good? Do you need anything?
Cuphead: No no, I just thought of something when it actually was something else...
Bendy: Oh... ok then...

(They made it to their destination, a motel that seemed to have not had the best history of good looks, and proceeded towards room #214)

Bendy: This is the place. Our next two victims are staying in the room next to us, so it's our job to discreetly wipe 'em out and clean up the mess before anyone sees.
Boris: Boss thought it might be better if we waited until late noon to begin.
Cuphead: I'm not entirely sure I want my little Muggy to endure such a scene!
Mugman: I'm not a little kid anymore!
Cuphead: Pshh, says the one who had to have Mr. Ferrywinckle present in their arms before they went to bed until the age of 13.
Mugman: We Don't Speak Of That!!!

(The two cups continued to argue while the ink bros gave each other a disappointed look at the cups)

Bendy: GENTLEMEN!! Calm down. We need to focus on the task at hand, so let's just chill until Boss gives us the signal to close in on our targets.

~284 words~
(Sorry it took me 4eva to post anything.. I honestly forgot about Wattpad and was more focused on school and YouTube... plz forgive mua ;-;)

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 19, 2019 ⏰

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