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In the harsh world of slaughter, there is only life or death. It's to kill or to be killed, with no in between.

No matter if you were a male or female, elderly or a child, only the strongest shall survive.

(Y/N) is the infamous name that everyone fears. She kills mercilessly, without a blink of her eyes. there isn't one living person, villager or royal, that hasn't heard of her name.

Mothers of rich or noble families would always say to their sons or daughters:

"You must train hard and exceed on martial arts, or your life will be taken by (Y/N)."

They weren't trying to frighten their children, because it was true. You never know when (Y/N) will enter the city, and wipe out the entire population.

No matter how the victims pleaded, there had not been one citizen that had escaped from death by her hand.

There had been rumors, that (Y/N) is the leader of a sect, its location hidden to the public. The sect was nicknamed as the Death Pond, since another rumor said that they take their victim's corpes and brew it into some kind of medicine, to strength their cultivation and power.

However, what the people don't know, is that (Y/N) isn't the leader of that sect, nor she had a high rank at all. She is merely one of the regular fighters, mostly in charge of killing an insider or party to cover up crimes.

The actual leader of the sect, probably the youngest sect leader there ever was to be, he goes by the name of Song Wenjia. He keeps on urging (Y/N) to take on a higher position, since he knows that one day, (Y/N)'s cultivation will surpass his own.

But (Y/N) insists, she is satisfied with her current rank. Wenjia does not step down, he helds meetings every month and brings this matter up every single time. He wants someone more powerful, more skilled, and more experienced in fighting to take the spot as leader, and there is no candidate more perfect than (Y/N).

"You will get more fame, recognition for all the deeds you have done when you are leader," Wenjia persuades.

(Y/N) doesn't want any of it. Just being a part of the sect is enough already for her. With Wenjia pushing her to a position with so much responsibility, (Y/N) feels so lost. She kills so many more innocent people, as she is under severe stress.

Finally, just as Wenjia was about to give up on persuading (Y/N), he ran into extreme difficulties. He was found lying in the back of the Blood River, no breath, and no heartbeat. Or, in other words, dead.

Since everyone in the sect knew that their former leader strongly recommended (Y/N) for the position, the vote was unanimous.

Now with no other choice, (Y/N) stepped up as the new sect leader.

Being leader, it gave her no more rights, since Wenjia had previously given her the same rights as a sect leader, so it made no difference.

Yet, as a leader there are so many more things to handle, and (Y/N) no longer had that much free time on her hands.

Luckily, Yaxuan, who had been devastated at his older brother's death, offered to take over, as he believed in having only blood-related family members succeeding the rank.

Therefore, (Y/N) was back at her regular role, but she still hasn't let go of Wenjia's death so easily.

She knew, that it was not a natural death.

Could it have been... planned?

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