Shower Me in Love (And Coldplay)

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"You'll love the dorm experience!"

"It will be so much fun!"

"Dorm life is awesome!"

Lauren should have never listened.

Dorm life at college, was not awesome. In fact, it might be the furthest thing from awesome. Lauren didn't need to live in the dorms, especially seeing as her house was only about a twenty or so minute drive from her University, but just like every other easily convinced Freshman, she had been duped.

Everyone had made it seem like living at home was the absolute worst thing that she could've done. Her social life would be in danger. She would miss out on all the college parties. She would be left out of the loop. She wouldn't get a proper experience. The list went on.

All complete bullshit.

Of course, when she applied for Miami University, she hadn't known that it was bullshit, hence the reason she has now had to endure nearly a full semester of hell. And she isn't exaggerating either. Well, she hasn't ever been to hell, but she can assure you that nothing could possibly be worse than her current living situation, not even a fire-y dimension full of evil. Nothing.

First of all, she had absolutely no privacy. And like, she knew that having a roommate would be a big adjustment, especially considering she had never so much as had to share a bathroom growing up. She had assumed, however, that it would be a good experience. Meeting someone new, bonding, and having the ultimate study sleepovers didn't sound half bad, even if it did mean she was to have her personal space invaded. She had been incredibly naïve to think that having a roommate was going to be anything remotely like that.

The day that Lauren met her roommate was where it all went wrong. Instead of sharing with one person like she had expected, she ended up being squashed into a three-person bedroom and although she knew getting along in such tight quarters might be hard, she quickly realized that getting along, even if they had all the space in the world, was simply not achievable.

Kailey, was a rather chatty girl who didn't seem to know when to close her mouth... in fact, thinking about it now, Lauren doesn't think she's even seen Kailey's mouth closed. She talked... all the time, and when it wasn't with an uninterested Lauren, it was on the phone, to the people in the hallway, the janitors, some poor helpless soul who simply got sucked in and was too polite to find an escape..... literally anyone and everyone. There was always some random bystander in their room being chatted away by Kailey. And it wasn't casual conversation either. It was stuff that literally no one cared about.... Like how her grandmother had some skin disease or how she had read an article about pickling cucumbers. The girl even talked in her sleep.... LOUDLY.

Now, Lauren had hoped that at least she and her other roommate could hate Kailey together and bond over that, but it turned out that Nina was even worse. Nina wasn't all that talk-y. At least not to Lauren and Kailey, but she sure was a bitch. And a controlling bitch at that. After only a half an hour of Lauren moving in, there was a typed list of rules and requirements stuck to the wall and a line of tape on the floor dividing her tiny area from theirs. The rules were ridiculous too like 'Every day Nina will get an hour of Nina time in which both of you will clear the room and leave Nina to have her time'. Which of course rarely happened except for the times in which Nina would get back from class first and place a chair in front of their door so that neither Lauren nor Kailey could get in.

So yeah, the fun roommate part of college was basically ruined for Lauren.

And of course, three people in a tiny dorm was hell all by itself because it was always messy, even if it was clean, simply because they didn't have anywhere to put their things. They shared one tiny closet in which they each had to pick what they really wanted to hang because only three things each could fit. Plus, Lauren got stuck with the top bunk which as a kid had been her dream, but now she realizes how horrible the top bunk really is. You have to climb up and down EVERY time you need something, no charger can stretch from the wall to the top, and she's rolled off more than once.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 06, 2018 ⏰

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