chapter four.

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Louis woke up that day, with a goal fixated in his head. He couldn't stop thinking about a certain curly headed lad, even when he got back home, and even during his sleep. He felt so bad for him. The poor boy was just so delicate and fragile and he wanted to tuck him inside his pocket and protect him forever.

So when Louis reached school, he asked the principal's secretary to call for Liam Payne. They knew each other after all. Liam's dad was a friend of the Tomlinson family. Louis remembers when he first met him when he was just four months old. He was such a cute baby.

When Liam arrived, he smiled up at Louis. Louis greeted him and pulled him aside. "Hey Liam, I know this is all sudden, but.. could you maybe do me a favour?" Asked Louis, biting down on his lower lip.

"Yeah, sure. What is it?"

"You know Harry Styles? He's with you in my monday class, also on the upcoming thursday one."

Liam nodded, "Yeah, I know him. We've got science and PE together too. What about him?" He asked, cocking his head to the side.

"Well, the kid gets bullied a lot, and yesterday, thank God I was on time or he'd have gotten home with a black eye and broken ribs. He's always lonely.. I just, I want him to have friends, you know? Mates he could go to when feeling down and all." Liam nodded, "So, I was wondering if you could, like, be his friend? Approach him and try to befriend him, and just- get him out of his lone bubble. Could you please do that?" Asked Louis sheepishly.

Liam had a pensive expression in his face, looked like he was contemplating Louis' question.

"Please Liam?"

"Okay, yeah. Alright, I can do that. He always looked like a nice lad anyways." Shrugged Liam.

"Thank you, Liam. You're a life saver, literally." Sighed Louis, pulling the younger boy in a quick hug, the secretary giving them a quircked eyebrow.

"No worries, Lou. Pass by, yeah? Dad misses you." Smiled the brown eyed boy.

"Of course!" Beamed Louis, and then both of them attended their respective classes.

Louis felt relieved, his shoulders less heavy. He felt good, knowing how much of an angel Liam was; he's good for Harry. He thought.

Once in class, he started his lesson with a grin on his face.

Harry on the other hand, was changing in the bathrooms to his PE uniform. He felt really uncomfortable when undressing in front of everyone, and also.. well, because he felt more comfortable in knickers instead of boxer briefs, he did wear panties all his life after all, so you can't really blame him.

Once in his uniform, he got out and headed towards the gym. From having one look at his body, anyone could say that he wasn't much of a gym person. He had a thin structure, biceps barely there, perched back from lack of self-confidence. So during PE, he usually stayed back in a corner, waiting for the two hours to end.

But something he wasn't quite expecting happened. Someone approached him, and they weren't bullies. Liam Payne.

He walked with a smile on his face towards Harry that was in the back, leaning his back against the wall.

"Hey there!" He chirped, once in front of the green eyed lad.

"H-hello." Mumbled Harry back.

"Why you not in the centre? Come!"

"Erm.. I'm not- um, I'm not good at handball." Said Harry, shrinking back to the wall.

Liam chuckled, "You should see me, I'm awful at it, but still try. Remember, it's to have fun, not to win." He smiled.

"Al-alright." Stammered Harry, walking towards the game.

Liam beamed, skipping to the centre of the gym, with Harry behind him.


It was great, Harry to admit. It was really fun, he fell, and slipped, firstly getting ashamed, but then Liam patted him on the back, chuckling; so he laughed every time he or Liam fell, even got to talk two of Liam's friends, Ashton Irwin and Luke Hemmings. So yeah, it was the funniest PE seance he's had in three years.

"Uh, thanks Liam." Said Harry, fiddling with the hem of his t-shirt when the hours were over and Liam was taking a gulp from a water bottle.

Liam looked at him, with an eyebrow raised. "Thanks for what?"

"F-for.. talking to me, a-and being nice in general. I had a great time." A lopsided smile appearing on his pink lips.

Liam returned his smile with a bigger one. "It's alright! You're a fun person, talk to me whenever you want."

Harry's eyes widened. He was complimented? It felt.. nice. It's been so long since he's been complimented by someone aside from his family.

He nodded, thanking him, then turning to the two other lads that were watching them with amused smiles. "You too, Ashton, Luke. I had a great time with you two."

Ashton threw an arm around his shoulder, grinning. "Aye, Styles. 'course! We'd love to hang out with ya more." Thick aussy accent coming with his words, Luke nodding all along, with a smirk.

"Now now, not that I don't like the little chat, but guys- we stink. A shower would be great, let's go." Said Luke, already walking towards the locker room's showers.

So they took a shower, expect for Harry. Ashton insisted that he took one, but a nudge at the side by Luke shut him down. They understood why he didn't like to take one. The showers were group-ones, which meant no cubicles and everyone got to see your private parts. Of course the guys didn't have a problem with it, but Harry.. was different down there, so he'd rather not show his lower parts to the football jocks, or his new friends and creep them out.

They walked together out of school, Liam talking to Harry about their science project and Luke and Ashton about hanging out, until Ashton suddenly exclaimed. "Hey lads, why don't you join us? This weekend, we're getting at me house for like, a lads night. Wanna come?"

Liam immediately agreed, then looked towards Harry with hopeful eyes. He really hoped the curly haired boy would accept. He genuinely thought that Harry was funny, nice and cool. He really wanted to be his friend, good that he did what Louis asked him.

"Um.. I'll have to ask my mum.. hopefully she'll say yes?" He said quietly.

Ashton and Luke beamed at him, and Liam patted his back. They exchanged phone numbers and got out of the school's doors, everyone getting home.

Harry was content, for now, this was the second best day in three at school (first being yesterday when he talked to Mr. Tomlinson).
He was happy, he couldn't wait to tell him mum and sister about today.

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