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Nobody's safe in this world...not anymore.

I wasn't...


I don't know where I am. I don't know who I am.

What I do know is that my head hurts a lot, there's a searing pain and cool trickle coming from, what I can only guess to be a type of gash or cut. I feel nauseous and lightheaded too. Probably because I'm breathing so hard. It's hard to breath when there's a cloth bag over your head.

After I calm my heart rate and breathing I try to listen to my surroundings to help indicate where I am. The bag is ripped off my head before I can tune in on a single sound. I open my eyes wide to try and see...that was a mistake. An overpowering fluorescent light blinds me momentarily and even minutes latter there's still little purple spots clouding my vision.

I start to look at my surroundings and see there's a bunch of older men in there high thirties to low forties with big machetes standing against three of the four walls of the room I'm currently in, I also notice I'm in the first of four lines of kids both boy and girl. in total there's about two to three dozen kids ages ranging from about 13 to maybe 14.

How old am I? I'm a girl I can tell that much...I'm probably around the same age. Right?

Why can't I remember anything? Am I sick? Is this a type of hospital on drugs or something?

My attention is diverted to one end of the room where a man walks in through the door. He looks scary with an ugly scar going down the middle of his face, splitting it in two.

That must have hurt...

The man with the scar walks down and stops at the beginning of the line I'm in to my left.

He looks closely at the first kid in line, a young girl, with critical eyes. The girl is quite small and looks more like a seven year old than a thirteen year old with the long blond locks and bright blue eyes, she's really pale too.

"Put her with the rest of the whores." He motions for one of the men standing by the wall to do as instructed.

"Yes sir!" The man takes the girl by the arm and starts to lead her out the door on the other end of the room. In doing so they have to walk past me.

"No! Please no! Let me go! I won't tell anyone! I swear! Please! Don't! Help, someone help me! Please!" The girl is crying and thrashing against the man that's dragging her to the door all the while begging for help.

I don't know if its the fact that I can't remember anything or the look on the girls pleading face, but I step out of line and push the soldier to the floor.

All heads snap in my direction.

Oh crap.

"Get her back in line! Right now!" Shrills the man with the scar.

Five men step out from their positions along the walls and slowly stalk towards me, machetes drawn.

Great. Just great.

The first one leaps forward at me from the left.

I instinctively move my body out of the way as if by memory and turn grabbing the guys arm, twisting it with one hand and bringing my forearm of my other hand down breaking his arm at the elbow, effectively snapping it in two. The machete, that was being held by the same arm I just broke, falls to the floor with a clatter while the man falls to his knees screaming in pain.

Being to amazed at what I just did, I was tackled from behind to the ground by the other four men.

I struggle to get out of there grip by breaking noses with my elbows and fists, kicking and kneeing between the legs and of course breaking more limbs.

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