A.K.A. Mongols

18 0 0

She is my anchor.
She is my foundation.

Nothing phases her.
Nothing pains her.

She is sturdy and has built up a resilience to insults. If she cries, she hides her tears with a smile.

Her laughter is like sunshine that she shares with the world around her. Everyone around her becomes her friend.

She is unstoppable. When she sets her mind to something she cannot be stopped.

She has stayed with me through it all. Thick and thin. Love and hate. Ups and downs.

I know I can rely on her. I trust her with my hopes and dreams and value her advice like none other.

She is pure in heart and pure in deed, always trying to do things with the best intentions.

She is there, with me every step of the way, no matter my decisions or my choices, I hope she will be there with me forever.

When I grow up, I hope I am like her. She is my angel.

AngelsМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя