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A woman went into the McDonald's restaurant in Ayer, Massachusetts one day for lunch and ordered a fried chicken sandwich. Not caring much for mayonnaise, she requested that it be left off the sandwich, along with tomatoes.

After the order was ready and paid for, the woman sat down and unwrapped her sandwich. She took a huge bite, and... wham! There was a huge glob of mayonnaise in her mouth. Annoyed, she brought it up to the cashier who had served her and demanded a new sandwich, citing that she had specifically asked for no tomatoes and no mayo.

Confused, the cashier asked the workers in the back to please fix a sandwich without the dreaded mayonnaise, to which they insisted they had not put any on the first one, and prepared a replacement immediately.

As she was about to take her new mayo-less McChicken Deluxe back to her table, the woman was suddenly overcome with nausea and vomited in several colors, followed by blood, onto the floor. The workers out back then opened the discarded sandwich and found that they indeed had not included mayonnaise, but a chicken patty with a pus-filled tumor.

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