Is this for real!!!.

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(Outfit )

It's one week since the audition. I don't think I got the part. Because nobody has called. Right now I'm hanging out with Liza and Sara. We're talking about boys. Liza just gotta boyfriend. We also watch IT. I didn't think it was so scary, but it was very good. Liza and Sara thought it was very scary. I love scary things, I don't get easily scared. I just think it's exiting. Right when is at the scariest, my phone rigns, I pick it up.

" Hello, is this Dream Andrews?" A man says, where have I heard his voice before.

" Yes, thats me" I say, and give my friends an confused look.

" This is Matt Duffer, we just wanna congrats you, because you got the role as Katie Harrington in Stranger Things."

" Is this for real!!" I almost yell, my friends give me a confused look.

" Yes this is 100% real" Matt says.

" Omg thank you so much! " I now yell.

" No problem, talk to you later" he says and hangs up. I just look at my friends with the biggest smile ever.

" What was that?" Sara asks.

I'm to in shook to say anything, so I just start laughing.

" Omg, Dream what? " liza Says a little annoyed.

" I got the role!!" I say with much excitement.

" OMG!" they both say at the same time.

I run down stairs, where everyone is, and i literally yell " I GOT THE ROLE" first everyone is super lost but the they but two and two together, and then they understand that I got the role.

" This has to be celebrated" my mom says.

" Let's buy some pizza and watch a movie or something?" My brother says. We end up watching home alone 3, and eating pizza. Liza and Sara are still here.

Me and Liza meet when we went to kindergarten, and ever since that we always where friends. First day of school, me and Liza where playing together, but we saw a girl there. She was all by herself. We thought it was sad and we went over to her and started talking to her. We immediately noticed how sweet and funny she was. We ended going home to hers after school, and I literally cried when I had to go home. That's how I became friends with them, and we have been there for each other ever since that day.
Luna really hates me. I mean really really hates me. I don't know why, I don't think I done her anything. Or at least I don't remember. It started at 2 grade, before that we were good friends. One day, they ignored me. When I say they, I talk about the 'Barbies' That's the girls how think that they're better than all the other girls. And their like Lunas slaves, their afraid that if they aren't with her, they will end up like us. But I'm like what's wrong with being us.

Once there was a thing in our class, where you could get like trophies, for like singer of the year, comedian of the year and so on. I didn't get anything, but Luna got one, and of course she had to be a bitch and say stuff like ' i got one you got nothing ' ' you didn't deserve to get an trophy' . I became very sad and then I ran to the toilet, and cried, but my friends where there for me, I really love my friends.

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