Chapter One

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    I wake up in my cell. It's my first day in, and all I did was sleep. There's a cot, a chair, and a window that looks out into space. Literally. The prison is a spaceship.
     All they gave me other than the furniture was a mirror and a hairbrush. I sit down in the chair and hold the mirror in one hand, looking at myself, and in the other is the hairbrush. I begin to brush my hair.
     I have brown shoulder length hair, black eyes, light brown freckles on my cheekbones and the bridge of my nose, and a metal robot arm, from right above my elbow and down. I am a seventeen year old assassin.

     A buzzer goes off and a guard comes into my cell, to take me to the food court. I turn from him and run to the wall, jumping off it and kicking him in the face. That immediately knocks him out and I take his handgun.
     I walk out the door and start running down the hall, gun in both hands.
I go into the food court, hiding the gun in my baggy orange prison pants pocket. I look at my robot arm. On the inside of my wrist is a clock. But right now, it's going 00:11, 00:10, 00:09,
     When the ten seconds were over, a black and white Vilo2•3•5 shoots through a wall in the spaceship. I run behind a pillar when a large piece of the metal wall shoots towards me, almost hitting my stomach. I run to the ship, and Wren opens the window, I jump off a guard and into the ship through it.
     When we're far away from the prison, we relax. All six of us are sitting around the table, working on our weapons for the next mission. I stop and look around at all of them.
     There's Wren, who's both arms, part of his neck, and his right foot are robotic. He has pale skin, short brown hair, and green eyes. He's about five foot seven. He's the youngest of us -fifteen - and he's the brains to our team. Knows how to hack into any device, and disable it. There's Thea, who is from Cibla. She has black bob cut hair. her right eye is black and her left eye is blue. She has a scar right under it. She has a certain weapon, a black doctor face mask. But it has a toxin in it. Whenever she breaths it in, her saliva activates it, and she breaths on someone and it kills them. She's twenty two, and five foot four. There's Jace, who is twenty five. He's six foot three. He has purple-ish eyes and looks like an Asian from Earth. He is skilled in all weapons, and hand-to-hand combat. There's Zemira, who has short brown hair, brown eyes, and she's eighteen. She's about my height, but four inches taller. (She's five foot five.) Both her knees are robotic, and so is her left eye. But it's not an old, dumpster eye, it's the newest creation. It looks like a real eye. Then there's Nova. Nova's gender fluid. Nova's pronouns are they them. Nova has glowing blue skin, and dark purple hair fading into light pink, and it's only down to her neck. Their eyes are orange-ish yellow. Nova is like a lightbulb. They can glow when they want to, and not when they don't. Nova is about five foot four.

I get my regular clothes on, and look at the time. Eleven thirty pm. We don't have a lot of time. I put on a pair of ripped black jeans, black shoes, and a small black hoodie. I jump off the building onto the next one, following a man from above with Jace. He insists on wearing bulletproof armor, so now he's wearing black armor, a black hood, and has at least ten knives hidden on his legs, and ninja star charms jingling silently in the cool, humid air.
Once we catch up to him, Jace jumps from the building onto a lamppost in front of him. But you can't see him. I jump from the building, onto a lamppost, and going down an ally, the opposite way. Nova hovers just out of sight in the air. Their light yellow eyes look like white stars, they're so high up.
Thea is a building in front of me, the lower half of her face was covered by her black doctor's face mask. Her blue eyes pop in the darkness. She loads her bow from the long distance away, getting ready to shoot. Zemira and Wren are on the ship, Wren flying it out of sight, Zemira aiming the bullets, just in case we need backup.
     I turn onto the street and 'accidentally' bump into him, making him irritated. "Hey! You there! Watch it!" he yells at me. Like practiced, I pretend to be angry. I go up to him, my head down, and punch him in the face, surprising him, because I punched him with my metal arm, wearing a glove so he can't see it. I trip him and he falls onto his back on the ground.
     He groans, and Jace goes to his side, pulling out his beautiful silver katana and putting it to his throat. "Now, tell me where you're hiding the girl." Jace says.
We were hired by a rich family to get a girl with "blue eyes and long brown hair. She's sixteen and answers to the name Max." Apparently they kidnapped her and want her family to pay ransom. They don't have enough money for the ransom, but they have enough money to buy a new spaceship.
"I'm saying nuthin'." The man said. Jace presses the sword harder against his throat. "Okay! Okay! I'll tell you!" He yells, putting his hands up in surrender. Jace knocks him out and we get him on the ship.
We use a spare room and take the things out, leaving two chairs. We tie him to a chair, and Zemira sits in the one across him. When he wakes up, he looks startled that she's been watching him sleep.
"Where am I?!" He demands. She smirked. "No, no. I'm asking the questions. You answer. Then I'll think about telling you where you are. So, where's Max?" She says.
The rest of us are watching from the live camera in the other room.
"Not telling." He said. Zemira takes out a throwing knife and starts cleaning it with a rag. "You know, this knife can cut your throat. Or any other body part." She said. He looks concerned. Then he tries to talk as if he's not scared. Zemira scooted her seat closer. "So, where's Max?" She asks again, putting the knife just an inch from his neck.
Three hours later, we know Max is in a warehouse on Zelda. We bring the man with us and land four blocks away from the warehouse.
So now we need someone to stay and watch him and the ship. We leave Nova and Zemira, behind.
Thea and I run alongside while Jace and Wren run on other buildings. When we get onto the roof of the warehouse we go in through the front door.
Jace and I start to beat up all the thugs, and Thea puts in her face mask and lets out a green toxin. Jace and I hold our breath while the thugs die around us. But I only think they're dead. "They're only passed out. We don't want to get any attention. They'll be up in four hours." Thea said. We run to the only door in the room. Wren hacks into the lock and we get in. Max is no where, but there are three thugs leaning against the closet door.
The room is a bedroom. The walls are flowery and there's a bed and a mirror. And a closet.
Three versus three. I run to the desk with the mirror and jump off it Onto one of the thugs. I wrap my legs around his neck and twist it, killing him.
Thea can't use her mask, I realize, because if she does it could kill Max. So she's tripped him, and punched him in the face, knocking him out.
Jace pulls out his katana and immediately kills the last thug.
I open the closet door to find a girl with long tangled hair, tape on her mouth, and her ankles and wrists tied up. I sooth her down, when she tries to scream. I untie her and it looks like she can't stand. Thea puts her on her back and we run to the ship.
When I was in my room, I heard Jace being upset that he didn't carry Max. He thinks if he acts manly, we'll think of him as that, but I think he's a big marshmallow.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 13, 2018 ⏰

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