00. Prologue

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Athena King

"Divorce papers?" I ask confused. My husband laid the papers in front of me along with a pen and crossed his arms to look more imitating than he already did. He held a stern look on his face and he continued to glare down at me. This must be a joke. I let out a little chuckle, "Roman, you don't fool me," I say sassily while crossing my arms to mock him.

If possible, his glare only turned more cold. He rolled his eyes and pointed to the paper, "Sign the papers, Athena," he demanded harshly. I should give him a round of applause. His acting skills right now can win an Oscar.

I giggled and stood up, making my way around my office desk and wrapped my arms around his torso. "Is this payback because I pranked you the other night saying I was pregnant?" I beamed up at him thinking of his reaction two nights ago. He was elated. He gave me kisses all over my face and even gave my belly a pep talk of how much daddy and mommy was going to love him or her. Well, that was until I said I wasn't pregnant and it was all a prank. Truth be told, I was actually pregnant, but he didn't know that. The only reason why I said it was a prank was because he ate all the Nutella that day. Trust me, I was beyond mad. Nobody messes with my Nutella, not even my husband.

He pushed me off and shook his head. "Athena, I'm not playing with you!"

"Baby, stop the act," I said playfully. He looked at me in disbelief and I chuckled, "C'mon. You don't think I'm actually falling for this right?" Roman looked as if he was about to burst until I picked up the pen, "Look," I started, "I'll sign the papers," I waved the pen in the air, "Then you can say 'it's a prank' after," I laugh. I know he's kidding. Roman loves me too much to actually file a divorce.

I quickly sign it and hand him the papers while grinning, "Okay, there." I fake a frown and clutch my heart, "Oh, Roman don't you leave me, I will die without your love," I say a little bit too dramatically and bring my right hand to caress Roman's right cheek.

He quickly swatted my hand away harshly and I flinched. "I need you to leave now. All your things are already packed and settled in the front."

I raise my eyebrows in amusement, "Stop the act."

"Athena, get the hell out of my house," he said coldly.

I laugh. If he wants to keep playing, I'll continue to play along too. I exit my office and make my way to the living room where all my luggage's were sitting. He's taking this prank a bit too far. Now I have to unpack all this afterwards. What a drag!

"Miss Carter," an elderly female voice greeted me. I look up and it was our maid, Helen. Miss Carter? That was my maiden name. Don't tell me Roman got her to play along too? Oh, he's good I'll give him that.

"How much times do I have to tell you to just call me Athena?"

"You don't look too sad," she responded as her eyes scanned my face.

"Why would I?" I look down at all my luggage's and sigh. "Would you mind helping me unpack all of this?" I ask nicely.

She looked at me in confusion. Helen opened her mouth to say something, but quickly clamped it shut as Roman's voice boomed through the mansion. "Athena what are you still doing here?"

I turn my body fully towards him and took in his appearance. I didn't notice it before but his eyes were baggy and he looked so stressed, so tired. "Roman, are you okay?" I ask walking closer to him.

He moved further away from me and shook his head in frustration, "I told you to leave!"

Now, I was getting worried. "What?"

He chuckled in disbelief, "Oh, don't play stupid! I married a whore for a wife! You just wanted me for my money!"

Whore? Oh, hell no! And did he say I wanted him for his money? How dare he even think such a thing!

Gosh, I hated that word, whore. He could've at least said a woman who sleeps around. I don't care if this was a prank or not. Why would he accuse me of such things?

"I don't under-"

"Really? You cheated on me with that Andrew guy!"

Andrew? My gay best friend? For Christ sake! He's kidding with me! "Andrew is gay-"

"Yeah, yeah," he cut me off once again, "You say that all the time. Now, I don't believe it," he said and flew a newspaper article towards me. "Explain what that is!"

I picked up the paper from the ground and looked closely at it. 'Wife Of Young Billionaire Roman King Caught Cheating. See page 15 for details!' was read across the top, and the picture beside it was me and Andrew sitting at a table. Just sitting! We were simply catching up with one another. Not to mention Andrew announced to me he now has a boyfriend!

I looked at him in anger and furiously shouted, "You really believe this bullshit? Are you really taking their word over mine? I'm your wife, Roman!"

"Not anymore," he spat. "I refuse to stay married to a whore."

I held the paper up, "This is the media we're talking about! They say and do anything to grab the attention of others! It's gossip and you know it!" I snapped. He of all people should know how the media runs. He was basically raised around it seeing as his father and mother were successful billionaires too.

He clenched his jaw, "We'll officially be divorced as soon as I turn these papers in," he said tucking the divorce papers on the inside of his suit. He walked towards the garage and I instantly knew this wasn't a joke. We were getting divorced and my heart couldn't even bare the thought of it.

"Roman!" I followed after him, "this can't be real," I say weakly as tears fell out my eyes.

"Oh, it's real. I'm filing these papers and-"

"I'm pregnant... what about the baby?"

He stopped mid step and fully turned towards me, "Baby?" He snorted. "There's no baby. Remember you said there's none? You're only saying this so I won't divorce you."

"You're making a mistake, Roman. Why can't you believe me?" I cried out.

He held no emotion as he looked down towards me. "If you're not out my house by the time I'm back from filing these papers, I will have you arrested. I don't want to ever see you again." His back was now on me and he retreated back to the door.

"Roman," I called his name one last time before he exited the room. He stopped but didn't turn around. "I want you to know that I didn't lose you. You lost me."

Just like that he was gone. He was no longer in sight and I couldn't help the sobs that I was holding back. My chest was aching and my eyes were burning. I knew everything would never be the same again. I knew in my mind I had already accepted this, but it was going to take awhile for my heart to accept it.

I was heartbroken, but I was more disappointed than anything. The man who I thought I was going to spend the rest of my life with would rather take somebody else's word over mine.

I guess he wasn't the only one who made a mistake. I by far made the biggest one yet. I made vows to someone who didn't base our marriage on trust and understanding. It's more than that but he lacked of the importance.

Nothing hurts more than being disappointed by the one person who you thought would never hurt you.

For this chapter of my life is being closed and a new one will write itself.


I'm new at this and I know this writing sucked.

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