2- I'm Way Cooler Than Obama

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Saturday is my favorite day of the week. I know that’s very typical and obvious but Saturday is just such a nice day. I get to go through the whole day without wearing pants and any day without pants is the best day. Before Leda started dating Dana, we’d do stuff on Saturdays, so I’d have to put pants on then or shorts or something, but now that Leda spends most of her time with her girlfriend, I get a whole day to myself. I mean, Sunday is a nice day too but I have to go grocery shopping, sometimes I’ll have to do homework that I forgot to do over the weekend, and I have to work out to work off all of the extra weight that I put on during my week. I’m not fat or anything, but I still feel like I should work out on Sundays just so that doesn’t happen.

So I’m wearing an oversized t-shirt (I think it might be Adan’s, but I’m not too sure) and some panties but no pants and no bra, because bras are almost as evil as pants. I have a TV in my room, but the one in the living room is better, so after I wake up on Saturday morning, I’m sitting in the living room with Max and we’re watching reruns of Supernatural that I have recorded on my DVR thing while also eating ice cream.

That’s one of the best parts of living by myself- I get to eat whatever I want, when I want, and how I want. When Adan is here, he makes me eat ice cream out of a bowl because he thinks that it’s gross to eat out of the carton. Well, he’s not here to nag me about using a bowl so I have a blanket on my lap and my carton of ice cream on top of the blanket because it’s so cold that it can’t sit on my bare legs.

I do have a small bowl though, for Max, because sometimes, he wants some and I’ll give him a little bit but not too much because then he’d get sick and I definitely don’t want that.

“Okay, Maxxie, Sam or Dean?” I ask my puppy with my feet propped up on the coffee table- another perk of not having parents around to tell me to get my feet down.

He continues lapping at his melting vanilla ice cream with his fluffy tail wagging lightly.

“Dean? Good choice. He is clearly the better brother,” I agree with my puppy. “But Sam is a good guy too. I like them both.”

It’s the very first season of Supernatural where Castiel isn’t part of the story yet and they’re looking for their dad. I could just watch the newer seasons upstairs on my Xbox because I have Netflix and most of Supernatural is there, but like I said, the TV is bigger and better down here and also, season one is a really nice season. It’s a lot simpler than the craptastic drama going on in season nine at least.

I’m trying to debate with myself if I should eat more ice cream or if I’m full and should stop, because that is seriously the life long battle, when Max starts barking beside me. That’s kinda weird because the only time Max barks is when I get home or when we have company over. I mean, he’s friendly with people that he doesn’t know, but when somebody gets here, he’ll bark for a minute until I let them in.

“What’s up, Max?” I ask him just as I remember that today is the day that Lake is supposed to be here, much to my disappointment. I had totally forgotten about that when I woke up this morning. Maybe I figured that if I just forgot about it, it wouldn’t be real and Lake isn’t the one outside.

He doesn’t ring the doorbell or knock or anything but Max keeps barking, so I let out a long sigh and grab my emergency pants from the coffee table- it’s just a pair of sweat pants that I keep downstairs just in case somebody knocks on the door or I need to leave quickly and I can’t go all the way upstairs to get pants- and I slide them on before going to the door. Max follows me, still barking his little head off, and then he starts pawing at the door.

I open it and Lake is standing there with wide eyes, looking at me and then at the outside of my house, and then back at me.

“You could have knocked or something,” I inform him. “You do know how to knock, don’t you?”

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