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The large room was glistening with tinsel, draped along the walls and ceiling, guests' murmurs threatening to drown the orchestral performance. The two chandeliers twinkled above them all, moving slowly from the slightest breeze from the cracked opened window.

The woman in black took a sip of her wine, assessing the room from her corner. Her blood red lips matched her drink. Finding the easiest and least conspicuous way of leaving, she put the glass down on a waiter's tray and slipped past the mingling people.

Her footsteps were light in her stilletos, matching the offbeat of a slightly out of tune cello. The woman swayed slightly to the beat, being careful that she wouldn't be a disturbance to the conversations. That her movements would be delicate enough not to attract attention.

Reaching the door, she reached out her hand, slim fingers turning the handle of the large door leading to her freedom.

A larger hand of the opposite gender placed his hand upon hers, gently making her pause. She withdrew her hand, recognizing the cologne and shadow before she realized it.

"Going so soon, Valerie?" The man's voice asked her coolly.

"It's Black to you, Holmes." She growled softly, narrowing her ice blue eyes.

"Of course, of course. Must've slipped my mind," he smiled at her, amusement visible on every feature of his face.

The woman rolled her eyes, every fiber of her being longing to be anywhere but the party. "Is there a reason for your unwanted presence?"

Mycroft coughed, putting his hands behind his back. "There is indeed. You know of my brother, Sherlock Holmes, correct?"

She scoffed, finally looking at him. "Don't insult my intellect, Holmes. Of course I do."

Finding no interest in where the conversation was headed, she asked for a bottle of wine. When the confused waiter questioned her, she confirmed she meant a bottle.

"Sorry, sometimes I forget that your IQ could possibly be comparable to mine. Anyways, it seems you're on some sort of break or another, could you do me a favor?"

She opened her mouth for a quick retort, but Mycroft was obviously not waiting for an answer.

"I need you to keep an eye on him for sometime."

She gritted her teeth. "You're also forgetting I don't order to you, Mycroft."

He nodded. "I know. I'm asking you. Asking you as a friend-"

"I don't have friends," Valerie snarled softly. It drew some attention, so she checked herself. "And neither, do you."

Mycroft didn't waver.

"Fine," He said smoothly. "As a colleague, then. An acquaintance asking for a favor, as you will."

She raised an eyebrow. "And why can't you send someone else?"

He shrugged, sipping his champagne. "I heard you were asking for more missions. None to give you, your superiors gave you time off instead. I thought you'd be bored."

She snorted. "So you think you're doing me a favor then, huh? To make up for the three other I did for you?"

"No, well-"

"I see. Alright. Well, it wasn't nice seeing you again, unless you thought otherwise-"

"I'll give it to you," he said loudly, sighing. That made her ears perk up. "I'll send it. Just... please. I need someone to be there for him."

"Why can't you send in an MI6-"

"This needs to be handled more delicately. Besides, this is more of a... personal matter."

She paused. "You love your brother," she stated quietly. Then she snorted. "How pitiful."

The waiter returned with the bottle of wine. Valerie thanked him and turned to the door, opening it and leaving the older Holmes spluttering.

"I hardly-"

"I'll do it," she paused by the door, looking at the surprised man. "If he's as good as they say, this should be quite an interesting experience."


What I imagine the Valerie Black to be

But of course, you can use your imagination

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But of course, you can use your imagination.
That's what books are for, after all~

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