
33 1 3

Height: 110.68 meters

Length: 225 meters

Weight: 25,000 tons

Pronunciation: Rose-Zill- An-tte

(Her name is a pretty confusing one to pronounce so I put its pronunciation in for you who read this)

Appearance: Rosezillantte is basically a thinner version of Biollantte (she still has the heart light in her chest and back spikes), she is a more Godzilla (2014) like-body, she has Dinozilla's claws on her arms and legs, her tail is spiked with rose thorns, roses and thorns sprout all over her scales and armor, her mouth is thinner and more Spinosaur-like, she has three-rows of teeth, and she has four of Biollantte's vines sprouting out of her back.


•Vine Mouths

•Whipping Vines

•Solar/Quasar Beams out of her mouth, vine mouths.


•Biting Mouth.

•Acid Sap/Spit.

•Quasar Sap/Spit.


Origin: (also in a book) When Biollantte is defeated by Quasar Luna after defending Dinozilla, the U.N. Army attacked and captured her and transformed her after using some Quasar Cells got spilled on her and transformed her into her new form and gave her the power over Quasar energy with the rest of her powers. She then escaped and now searches for Dinozilla and revenge on the U.N. Army.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 02, 2014 ⏰

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