Chapter 3

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It's.... Flash and the others.. Hahhaaaaaaaaa phew

They went in and soarin talked with his gang while me with my friends...

It was almost nighttime and we both went to the car speechless...we were so quiet that it just made the situation awkward...i don't know what went wrong but..i mean... I'm not mad at him I'm just... Worried... What if HE IS MADE AT ME?!!!😲😲😲😲😲😲😲 ok dash..calm down.. D-dont p-panic just.. Relax...

A few minutes has passed and we got there.. I went inside and took a shower and when I got out I went to the dressing room to change into my Pj's

When I got out I jumped to the king sized bed and played with my phone...
After he took a bath and changed he claimed on the bed and played with his phone too..

Time check..9:30 pm

I really hate silent treatments....

Soarin's POV

*sigh* I know what I did was wrong but I should have known better.....i forgot that she has an amnesia...i get the fact that she remembers her friends and me but I forgot about the fact that she hasn't remembered about the way around the mall or parks or whatever.

And now she's afraid.....cause you know the feeling when your lost... She could have got Into a panic attack and faint!!!! ....i should apologize...but.. What if she rejects me?! What if she was so annoyed that she might break up with me?! What if she was so upset that she might not talk to me anymore?! what if she hates me for what I've done and goes back with blitz?! What If instead of giving me another chance she might go to her friends house instead and stay there?!what If-*mentally slaps myself*

Shut. The. Fuck. Up.soarin.😑😑

"dash" I started and she paused for a second and looked up from her phone then me. "hmm?" she asked telling me to continue...

I moved to her side..

"dash your probably mad at me for what I did" I frowned..then she gave a confused look and said. "what are you talking about? I'm not mad" she chuckled. "sorry I was just worried that you might be the one who's mad" she nervously chuckled and I giggled. "oh dashie.." I muttered.."what did you say?" she asked. And I said. "no nothing" I said and we both laughed. "what were you doing with your phone?" she asked. "Nah just talking with thunderlane that's all.." I said then she nodded.

We talked for a few minutes and she told me a true story about her and I can't stop laughing..

"BWAHAHAHAHHA YOU-YOUR SAYING THAT YOU ACTUALLY DID IT?! *laughs hard*" I said between the laughs. "URGH for the 15th time... Yes" she rolled her eyes and I continued laughing until she covered my mouth and I completely stopped. " topic.." she started and let go with her hand from covering my mouth..."ok what are we gonna do next?" she asked with a seductive look. Then I chuckled "what do you have in mind?" I asked returning the look..
"you know what...nevermind" she said with a smirk and went to the other side of the bed and slept..


I rolled my eyes and I playfully pulled her beside me and she chuckled and I started to tickle her..

"soarin! Hahah!  Stop!!!" she laughed.
"why would I do that?" I asked and I continued.. "please! I'll do anything" she begged. I stopped and smirked.. "anything?" I raised my eyebrow...
"Uh.." she started to blush...i then slowly lean to her until her face looked like a tomato Hahahah! "your not gonna do it are you?" she
Stuttered."I guess we'll find out " I smirked.

Daaasssshhhh?😏 soaaaaaaarrrriiinnn?😏

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