chapter 3 • ex

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Third Person's POV

After eating breakfast, Jennie and Taehyung went to the park. Suddenly, Taehyung's phone was buzzing.


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Answer | Decline

"Oh wait my dad's calling,

Goodmorning Taehyung!

"Oh hi dad, what's up?"

Nothing, I just miss you

"pfft, u never call me when you miss me"

Don't be kidding, I did

"Yes, 2 years ago, 21st of August 2015"

I did after that! Anyways, I heard you're getting along with Jennie? My boy is already big now~

"Uhm yeah, she's nice, good thing I didn' end up with a girl like Irene."

Shut up, it was long time ago and it was my mistake ok? by the way good talk, got to go now, super busy, bye son!

"Lol okay bye dad"

Taehyung hung up.

"Who's Irene?" asked Jennie.

"So, my dad told me to date Irene because he thought she was nice and pretty, but in the end she dumped me in front of me and my dad." explained Taehyung.

"Ouch, that's hurt" said Jennie.

"It was 2 years ago, that's why my dad called, anyways that was the longest talk with my dad by calling."

"So you're not really that close with your dad?"

"Well not really , he talks a lot about me having a girlfriend, actually it's my life why can't I choose? Why am i being forced-" Taehyung stopped.

Jennie looked down with sadness on her face.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean that you're bad, I'm just angry that my dad did this when he saw Irene, Sorry Jennie" Taehyung apologized to Jennie.

"Ugh, It's okay, I'm fine ." Jennie sighed.

"Taehyung!!!!" Somebody called Taehyung and waved.

"YAAA JIMIN AAAAA" Taehyung ran and hugged Jimin, leaving Jennie shocked and dumbfounded.

"Jennie, this is Jimin, Jimin, this is Jennie" Jimin and Jennie bowed to each other.

"Omo omo is this the girl you've been talking about?" asked Jimin. Taehyung slapped his arm. "She looks better than Irene."

Jennie's POV

This Jimin guy has a cute eyesmile, and seems nice. They looked like they've been bestfriends since they weren't even born.

"Jimin is my childhood friend, he's been bestfriends with me since we're like 4 years old." explained Taehyung.

I just nodded.

"Hey, wanna grab some coffee?" asked Jimin. Taehyung and I nodded.

"Race you guys to the coffee shop, the last one will pay!"

Jimin and Taehyung rushed, "Hey that's not fair!" I shouted. I think they're too far to even hear me.

"Hi" I saw someone tapping my back, I saw it was him, then I ran to the coffee shop as fast as I could.

crap, why does it have to be him?

Taehyung's POV

YES I WON! Jimin came second, means Jennie will pay *evil laugh*. I saw Jennie came to the coffee shop, panting.

"Woah Jennie are you okay?" I asked.

"No, I'm not okay, please don't let me pay:(" Jennie begged with puppy eyes.

Urgh why does she have to be so cute:(

"Fine, Jimin will" I said.

"What? Why? How? FINE."

Jimin and I ordered some coffee.

"Jen, you want some?" I asked.

"No, I'm good." she said while looking at her phone.

Then she sat down on a sofa, infront of her there's a rectangular coffee table with lots of small light bulbs hanging underneath her. She looks gorgeous.

Then I saw a man walking towards her,grabbed her left hand, then Jennie slapped the man's left cheek.

"Don't ever come near me again!" I couldn't hear what the man said but Jennie shouted loud enough for me to hear.

I felt something is stabbed in my left chest. Yes, jealousy.

Third Person's POV

A man came near Jennie.

"Hello beautiful Jennie, we meet again," said the man holding Jennie's left hand.

Jennie put down her phone and slapped the man's left cheek using her right hand. Everybody's eyes were on Jennie and the man.

"What do you want?!" Jennie shouted "Don't ever come near me again!"

Everybody was whispering

"What the hell"

"Is it the girl's fault or the man?"

"She shouldn't have shouted, it's embarassing"

"Do they have to fight in public?"

"Look Jennie, soon you'll be mine again" said the man.

"Oh no u won't"

"Soon you'll fall for me again, just like the old days, just like when you told me how you love me, just like when you cried and hugged me.."

"But not when you dumped me!"

Taehyung and Jimin was shocked to hear Jennie words. Then they came to the table after getting their coffee.

"Jen, we can restart this over, remember how much fun we used to have, those laughter, those chitchats, those calls, even those dirtytalks, I still love you Jen" the man gave Jennie a smile while explaining.

"How can I restart this over when I remember how you cheated on me, how you kissed another girl, and sleep with other girls! bitch." Jennie gave him a death glare.

"I know you're single Jen, there's a chance for me to take you back."

"And that's a no, Mr. whoever you are. She's getting married WITH ME." Taehyung stopped him.

The man gave Taehyung a smirk, "Oh and who are you?"

"You don't need to know who I am, just don't touch Jennie ever again, or even talk to her, or you'll die in my arms." Taehyung was mad. Really mad. Leaving Jennie and Jimin speechless.

"I don't care and-" the man's sentence was cut off by Jennie.

"You heard him, and now go, don't ever talk to me ever again."

"Up to you, Jennie Kim." said the man and smirked.

"Ofcourse it will be up to me



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