Chapter 11

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I wanted to scream with excitement all day but I had to keep it inside. I don't think anyone within a block radius would like it if there was a screaming girl that wouldn't shut up. But I was just so excited I was going to go to Jace’s apartment and have dinner with him tonight. And the fact that I was being a complete diva about what to wear wasn't helping with my screaming problem. Such a typical girl dilemma when it comes to going out. I event went shopping with Naomi again today and I bought a few dresses but now I don’t know which one would be appropriate to wear on our date.

I didn’t even know what was appropriate for a stay at home date. Should I wear a dress, or just some jeans, heels, and a really nice top? The choices were endless and the only real decision maker in this apartment is Naomi who can’t help me because she cant know where I’m going. Although, she will probably be suspicious, you know, me going out- in a dress- at night- to no where in particular. Yeah, she won’t be suspicious of that at all… Ugh! So frustrating!

I walk out of my room and up to Naomi’s bedroom door. I slide into her room and sit down on her bed trying to construct a believable story. Naomi comes out of the en-suite bathroom while putting in an earring. Her soft, dark brown hair cascades around her face almost perfectly. Her green eyes sparkling against her black, backless top.

“Hey, what's up?”

“I need you to help me with something.”

“What do you need help with?” she asked walking over to her dresser, she looked in the mirror as she reapplied her makeup.

“Well, I met someone in Jo’s the other day. He asked me out on a date, and I can’t figure out what to wear.”

Right when I said that I met someone, she turned around with a smile on her face. She was absolutely glowing. I leaned back from her, the light coming off of her was too bright for my eyes to handle.

“You met someone?!” she half asked and half squealed.


She planted herself on the bed next to me. We both spun and sat cross-legged.

“Ok, spill. Tell me everything.” Her accent came out so thick it took a minute for me to comprehend.

“Well, the day I got here I needed some coffee after dropping my stuff off here. You didn’t have any coffee so I pulled up a map app and found a Starbucks. I thought that it was close enough to walk but after a half an hour I still couldn’t find it. While I was making my way back to your place, I bumped into this guy and my purse fell and everything spilled out. I was picking up my stuff and I saw another pair of hands. It was the guy I ran into. He was going to get some coffee too, and he invited me to come with him. We have been meeting for coffee every morning ever since.” I explained.

“So he's a coffee freak like you?” she said with a giggle. "My God, it's a miracle that there is someone out there who shares the same coffee coated passion."

“Yeah. I guess so.” I said laughing along.

After we calmed down, Naomi began to question me again.

“So what’s his name? What does he look like? Where are you guys going? Is he going to pick you up? What time are you going out? Tell me!”

“Uh, his name is Jason. Jason… Johnson. He has brown hair and brown eyes. He is muscular and pretty tall. Maybe 6’ 2’’. He is really funny, and super cute, and nice and he is a gentleman. I am going to his house. He's going to cook us a really nice dinner, then after that we're going to either go for a walk or watch a movie. I'm going to meet him at his place. I am leaving at six forty- five to give myself a little time to get there. I think I answered all of your questions.” I said trying to remember all that was said.

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