Chapter Twelve

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By the way this chapter was a heck of a lot better but ya know my computer decided to be a ass and shut down and not save anything so sorry if this isn't the best.

"Haven! It's time to wake up!" Kiefer yells right outside the other side of my door. I groaned and rolled over and pulled my pillow over my head. I really didn't want to wake up. I finally did get up after Kiefer had to come in a rip my blankets off and pull me to the kitchen.

"What do you want for breakfast?" he asks, I shrug as I sit on the counter. "Eggs do sound good if I had to choose." I say and he nods going to the fridge to get out some eggs. I watch him as he moves around the kitchen while he prepares breakfast. I would've cooked but unless he wanted a burned down kitchen then I'm gonna leave the cooking to him. Unlike most mornigs I didn't feel nauesous or anything but I spoke too soon. As soon as the smell of eggs hits my nose my stomach does flips and I feel bile rise up, I jump off the counter and sprint to the nearest bathroom.

I almost didn't make it before everything I ate yesterday made its beautiful reapearrance. Kiefer comes rushing in behind me and holds my hair out of my face and I puke my guts up. I feel bad for the guy, I mean not only does he have to deal with me but he has to deal with me throwing up too.

After I was sure I was done I wiped my mouth on a piece of toilet paper and flushed it down with the rest of the bile. I mentally thank Kiefer when he hands me a cup of water, I swish it around my mouth before I brush my teeth. I clean up my mess and then go out to where Kiefer was sitting in the living room.

"Uhm, Thanks for helping me." I say and sit beside him, "Don't worry about it, but I think it's time you go to the doctors." he tells me. I guess he saw me tense up because he asks, "You're not scared of the doctors are you?"

I suddenly become very embarrassed, I feel someone lift my chin so I'm looking at them. I look into the calming blue eyes of Kiefer, "I'm scared of needles." I say. I mean piercing needles are okay and so are tattoo guns but medical needles are a no go.

I got banned from a doctors office when I was younger because it took six nurses to hold me down and when the doctor almost put the needle in me I kicked him in the head. I don't like things near my butt especially not a needle.

"Go ahead and laugh." I mumble and look at my hands, "I'm not gonna laugh, a fear is a fear no matter how ridiculous." he tell me. "Okay I'll go but only if you come with me." I say and hold my pinky out, he chuckles but still laces his little finger with mine and says, "Okay deal."

I go to my room and put on a pair of skinny jeans and a red plaid flannel with my combat boots. I pull my hair into a messy bun and don't even bother with makeup, I just put my sunglasses on. I put my wallet, keys, and whatever else I thought I might need in my purse and head to the living room.

Kiefer was wearing a pair of light blue jeans and a white button up, I guess celebrity's have to look good all the time incase of paps. I couldn't do that all the time, I mean here he is looking like a model and I look like the grim reaper is walking with the living.

We pull into a parking spot and I have to wipe the nervous sweat from my palms of my jeans. "C'mon I'll be here the whole time." Kiefer reassures and I nod and get out. We go inside and I go to sign in, "Hello sweetheart, what is your name?" a elderly lady asks typing on her computer. "Haven Adler." I say and her head snaps around to look at me.

"You don't happen to be Steven Adler from Guns N' Roses sister do you?" she asks, I was sort of shocked that someone of her age would be into Rock but I mean who am I to judge if she likes to head bang. "Yes ma'am I am." I tell her, "Will you sign this? My grandson is a huge fan of the band." she asks handing me a slip of paper. Duh of course it would be her grandson that's a fan. I scribble my signature on it and hand it back. I finish signing in then join Kiefer who is sitting by a window.

It feels like we've been sitting there for ever but it was really only thirty minutes before my name was called. We followed the nurse to a room where she proceeded to ask me about what was wrong. I tell her about the weeks of sickness and fatigue.

I was hoping and praying that whatever I had could be figured out without requiring a blood sample but I guess the universe wasn't on my side today.
"Follow me and we can get a blood sample." I gulp and look at Kiefer, he gives me a smile as a little encouragement.

We get to the little white room with three chairs, she has me sit in one while she sits in the other and Kiefer in the one beside me. As she gets everything ready I look at Kiefer, he grabs my hand and it instantly calms my racing heart but it starts back when she gets the needle ready. "It's alright honey, it's only gonna be a small pinch." The nurse says. Excuse me that is not gonna be a small pinch, has she seen it? It's fucking huge like a damn bobby pin getting shoved into my arm.

Kiefer makes me focus on him as she takes blood and I'm more than happy when she's done. After I'm bandaged up she leads me to yet another room where I will have to wait until the tests come back. As we walk I notice that I was still holding Kiefer's hand and I'm not gonna lie I liked it.

The doctor comes in and asks me a couple more questions similar to what the nurse asked. "So what's wrong with me?" I ask tired of all the small talk, "Well the tests came back and all were negative except one.." he trails off, "And?" I ask, "You're pregnant Miss Alder." he says.

Oh shit. That can't be true. I look over at Kiefer who looks as shocked I felt. Damn. "Okay thanks Doc." I say and leave. I get into the car and try to hold back the tears but it's easier said then done.

"Hey don't cry it's gonna be okay." Kiefer says pulling my into his side, "No it's not. I have nowhere to go and it's not gonna have a dad." I cry.

I felt like a wimp crying in front of him but at that moment I couldn't care less. "You can stay with me and I'll be the dad." he says and I look at him, "You sure?" I ask and he nods.

We drove home in silence so I could let everything sink in. I'm still utterly shocked about everything but there's not much I can do but I know for sure I'll be the best damn mom anyone has ever seen.

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