Chapter one - The accident

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The last night of summer until school is out I cant hardly wait to see all my friends such as justin,joshua and samantha. As my mom and dad recently developed a portal to store all the ghost in they have caugh over the years, they tried to put it on but it failed due to shot circutry but they didnt know about it. Meanwhile i was headding for the basement where they kept the portal and i started to analyse it writing down some details on it.The portal had a yellow and black stripes by the door and inside of it was red while inactive but when I look at my mom and dad's blueprints its supposed to be green in color. As i take a closer look at the portal for some reason the portal whipped open and hit me all over my body. 

I awoken several hours later it appeared my whole body was numb and I felt different. As i approah the mirror to wash my face off i realise that my hair was white and my eyes was glowing then i got scared and started to panic so i called my sister but as soon as she came i turned back to my normal self for some reason. 

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