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Theo POV: I was writing Letters to Philip.we were not a couple though cuz of Dad. he does not approve.But me and Philip still kiss and make out.  "Philip!". He smiled.I loves it when He smiles. "Theo!" I kissed Him.He looked at his watch. "Got to go to class" He waved goodbye and left  my ex boyfriend came by me "Aww my girlfriend kissed another guy now Theo you can't do that" "Lee I told you we are THROUGH" He slapped me across the face. "I didn't. And Philip is just trying to get your mom's fortune"He showed me a pic of him and another girl kissing "Philip wouldn't do that..would he?" tears formed in my eyes.He left.I went to me and Philip's little spot and cried. Philip came the next day.

Philip's POV: I couldn't find Theo so I guessed she would be at home.I asked Theo's mother theodosia she said she wasn't home all day so I checked me and Theo's little spot.She was crying there's a red spot on her cheek.She didn't look at me once.I moved the hair out of her face.She looked at me and slapped me. (guys she didn't slap him that hard jeez) "GO DIE IN A HOLE.YOU DESERVE NOTHING.YOUR A CHEATER" she cried even harder.I put my hand on her shoulder "DON'T TOUCH ME" I looked down. "JUST STAY AWAY FROM ME THAT WOULD BE ENOUGH" I did what she asked and left. When I got home I sat on my bed  and sobed. "Did she mean all these things?" Does she think I'm a cheater? Should I die in a hole? Should I just...Stay away from her? I looked at my phone: Theo💗 has changed your name to: Philip 💔 I sighed and blocked her number. I mean that's staying away from her..Right...

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