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Katie's P.O.V

"So,"I said as I turned around to face Jordan,"How have you been?"He raised an eyebrow and said,"What do you mean?"I rolled my eyes and

said,"Nothing.Just forget it so we can get on with this stupid project."He sighed and mumbled a 'whatever' under his breath as he glared down at the paper in front of him.

Jordan's P.O.V

"Why is this happening?"I thought to myself as I ran to keep up with Katie's stride.It was after school and she had forced me to come to her house to get as much of this book done as possible."So,"I mumbled as I glanced around for the tenth

time,"How's the Christmas dance planning been going?"She raised an eyebrow as we walked into her house and said,"I don't remember telling you about it.How did you know?" I shrugged and said,"Elizabeth.S-she told me.Do you have a date yet?"I wasn't expecting that to come out of my mouth.She dropped her bag on the floor and crossed her arms over her chest before saying,"A date? You can't be serious!Why would you even ask that when it was so clear that you were the one to have my heart? I gave it to you and you just threw it away!!! It was like I didn't even matter to you.You must consider me very stupid."She sniffeled a little before saying,"You aren't any better than Blake! The only difference is that you cut and you didn't tell me!Now get out of my house!"I just stood there with a numb feeling in the pit of my stomach.How did she know I was cutting?How could she compare me to Blake?

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