I starred up into Seth's eyes my own starting to fill with anger and tears.  "You know what Seth?! Fuck you! Fuck you for always choosing them over me! Fuck you for only liking me because I was like her and you couldn't get her!" Tears roll down my face. " Who was there for you every damn time you broke me and left me. ME! Who was loving you every time you fucking chose someone else! ME. WHO WAS THERE FOR YOUR WORTHLESS ASS WHEN U MADE ME WANT TO KILL MYSELF?!?! ME IT WAS FUCKING ME. AND NOW YOUR DATING THE PERSON YOU CHEATED ON ME WITH, WHILE TAKING MY SUPPOSED BEST FRIEND FROM ME? FUCK YOU. U MADE ME FEEL LIKE COMPLETE AND TOTAL SHIT!!!" A small sob toar from my throat as my breathing gets heavier. " You were my first god damn fucking love. You were the reason I use to love life. And now here I am scars on my wrist and thighs because you broke me! YOU BROKE ME AND KEPT GOING BACK TO ME. EVERY DAMN TIME YOU BROKE ME YOU LEFT. BUT YOU USE TO ALWAYS FUCKING COME BACK. AND IT ALWAYS REPEATED. BUT IM DONE. IM DONE LETTING YOU FUCKING RUIN MY FUCKING LIFE!"


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 08, 2018 ⏰

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