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*You walked up to the house inside the void you were trapped in

*Someone answers the door,they have blue hair,and wore a grey hoodie,and a pink skirt.

*You couldn't see their face because there was a back bar over it.

*"Excuse me" you said,your voice shrill,and your throat aching.

*They hummed in response.

*"Where am I-I?" You questioned looking around.

*They motioned you to follow them and walked into the house.

*You followed hesatently.

*You looked around and saw that the house was empty.

*They walked further into the house and stopped in an office type room.

*It had a desk with an office chair and a computer,and a two chairs. 

*They sat down n the office chair and turned around to face the chairs. 

*You sat down in one of the chairs.

*"Welcome to the void of the lost." They said softly.

*I tilted my head to the side in confussion.

*"what's the void of the lost?" You asked.

*"This is where people go when they feel forgotten,or don't know who they are. Not in the sence that they lost their memory,but that they have trouble finding themselves. In my case,it's both of those things." They said with a small smile.

*"Wait,who are you?"

*"I don't know. If your here long enough,you can loose yourself completely." The replied.

*"How long have you been here?" You questioned.

*It's been....years." They sighed.

*They put their head down in shame.

*Can you get out?"

*I-I haven't even tried,there's no point. I'm lost. I'm stuck here,forever." They mumbled. 

*You frowned,not knowing what to say.

*"Anyway" They changed the subject. "Why are you here?"

*"I don't know,I just suddenly....apeared." I replied.

*"Strange,that doesn't happen unless....." They looked confused and worried.

*"Unless what?" 

*"Nevermind. You probably are just feeling lonely and don't know it or something!" They laughed nervously.

*You shrugged it off and relized something.

*"Wait,if this is where everyone goes when they are lost,why are you the only one here?" You asked.

*"Well,lately people haven't been showing up. It's quiet strange really. Anyway let's work on getting you ou-" They stopped and just sat there.

*"Whaa?" You tapped their shoulder but your hand just went through it.

*You stare at them confused. 

*The black bar over their face said something now. 

*It read 'Error'

*They then start...glitching? 

*"I-I'm fine" They said,their voice distorted. 

*They once again stayed still apart from their glitching form.

*"I'll be OkAy" They said,a clearly fake smile on their face.

*I was about to speak when averything went black.

*"No one cares" they said through tears.

*"Just go back home" they hiccuped.

*" I ' L L   B E   F I N E . . ."

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