18~My Lady

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This chapter is dedicated to one of my best friends Asia because I inspired her to get a wattpad and she reads 'My Personal Trainer'! She's writting stories soon too so go check hers out! Plus, I loved the jeans that she wore on a hot 90 degree weather day.....I know I felt the breeze :) If your reading this Asia, I love you and that's why Mig is a migget. <3 Do you feel the love? Because I do!!!!!!!

P.S. That's why I lost my phone the same day and it ended up in Harpersville but hey! It was funny and now I'm getting a new and improved one MIG! See you tomorrow :D

I decided to make this a Brianna and Lewis chapter! :) Enjoy!

18~My Lady

Brianna P.O.V.

“Where is everybody today?” I mumbled as I tip toed down the hall with my panda back pack over my shoulder. I think my back was on the verge of ripping but that tends to happen when you have so much junk in it. 

The point is that I can’t find anyone. Erin went to the bathroom but that was like twenty minutes ago. Trisha went to her locked but from here her locker is in plain view and she isn’t. Payton on the other hand went out to lunch with Tristen and that left me lonely. Is that a surprise…..no it is not.

I rolled my eyes and just sat there leaning again the cold lockers. The hallways were empty which didn’t surprise me. There’s only a week left of school meaning that everyone was outside for lunch because honestly, who really wants to be in school. 

It’s been three weeks ever since the ‘situation’ happened and ever since then I’ve been doing a little research. I knew that I wouldn’t like the results but I don’t want to go into this whole mating thing blind. Before I did the research all I knew about mates were that both bite each other and by doing that people would know that their wolf was taken and eventually you’ll start going into heat every full moon. 

Boy am I glad that I did research because what I didn’t know was that the longer you take to full mate, by making love, then your heat gets worse and worse throughout every full moon. Usually your first heat starts two days before the full moon and ends once the full moon phase is over but with every passing full moon the heat comes earlier, last longer than the previous, it‘s a continus burning sensation and it gets harder and harder for your mate to lower the flames of your heat unless you fully mate. 

Now that I know all of this I’m not looking forwards for Thursday to come because Thursday will be the first day that I will ever go into heat. 

Why do my wolf have to be so damn demanding?

I sighed deeply out of frustration. I’m already frustrated about this whole mating thing, they last thing I need to do is frustrate myself even more. I dropped my panda back pack onto the floor and glided onto the floor letting the cold tiled floor tough my bare legs. 

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