Chapter 6- fish got bait?

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"You are only bait, do you?" he was sniffing Luna's hair and kissed her gently behind right ear, as she stood her ground and tried to not give any sound, it was always melting her "Who are you helping? That striped dirty tail? Or you want to help those who are trapped? Your choice, Darling." he did the same at left side and kissed her into lips, when she bit his down lip to flesh "Your blood is your only poison." she splitted blood away. Ananke eyes filled with red and was steaming, fog ran up towards Ladybug and Chat Noir, but-

When red fog was about to reach them, flag pole was cut off and held by upgraded Tiger miraculous holder "You want them, than get me first!" Tiger yelled from school rooftop, students watched above and begged him to not touch force field "Let's see if your magic is stronger than my united with all miraculous wolves." he touched forcefield and focused hard to destroy half of it, the high part, he jumped down and unting heroes, Ananke walked angry to the getting back to shape school "Congratulations, but Luna gave herself away. Darling? Step out." she wasn't herself, kind and loving to help, more of that, she was eager to kill anybody that was meant to be dead, even Jasmine who was lying on floor, too tired to stand up or even sit on her own, not after last night fight "Little human, big mistake. Oh, I see Tiger? I want tiger rug to our new palace." she grinned, holding moonstone in right hand. Ananke was proud of getting his Queen back "You're having charm back, my Queen. You have magic back." blue orbs from moonstone morphed into black and red being followed by gold ghostly tail "Let's have our Empire back, my Lord." she grabbed his face and looking at Tiger, she knew it'll hurt Griffes deeply, and kissed Ananke with burning passion as her dress turned at her and returning clothes to Jasmine. Dress was now black and red with gold features "Better now." Ananke told after ending kiss. Griffes was at point to control David body just to end this madness, but anger blinded him, as David was changed into Tiger, but weak and hungry as Griffes was enchanted back then.

"We need slaves, remove curse from those three." mad man done that to make Luna happy, only "What about dragons? They are in dormant state as well, shall we bring them back to life?" she hang on his shoulder "That's exelent idea. China is already taken by civilization and technology, this place is pure enough." storm above whole paris started to rage as forcefield grew more to swallowed whole city, changing it's look to match memories of royal couple in full power "Do you like this new garden?" they walked out the school, now palace to garden, leaving students all by themself's.

Alya walked to weak tiger, but he still was kicky to get some food, yet with dominating human mind of David, and wild of Griffes.
A flash of light changed everyone in servants outfits and inplemented roles in this theatre act.

But everyone got under spell? Meaby not.

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