Part 1 (Harry)

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He’s gone. He’s gone. He’s gone. Those words replay in my head over and over as I sit on the floor, in complete shock. I reread over the letter he left, my eyes the epitome of disbelief. He can’t be gone. No. Not my Louis. I reread the letter over and over, praying it was just a nightmare and I’d wake up tomorrow, cuddled up with him in bed. But it’s not. It’s not a nightmare. This is real life. Why did he leave me? It was my fault. The small voice in the back of my mind whispered. I knew that must be true. It certainly said as much in his letter. I thought back to when I first found it.


We had just gotten back from laser tag, me and the boys that is. Louis had up and left out somewhere before I woke up around noon. I shrugged. It was a day off for us so he was probably just gorcery shopping or something, it wasn’t uncommon for him to do so on our off days, we had a rule; he shop’s, I cook. 

The boys called after I had taken a shower and made myself breakfast, asking if we wanted to go play laser tag. I told them Louis went out but I’d love to go. I left Louis a note saying I went out with the boys and for him to call us when he comes home and that I love him.

Laser tag was great, a long needed break from work. I teamed up with Niall and Liam took Zayn. We played for hours, not even realizing how late it was until the intercomn blared, ‘Ten minutes ‘till closing! Hurry up with last rounds!’. 

“We totally won! Haha in your face!” Niall cheered, hopping around and laughing at Zayn and Liam.”Nialler calm down.” Liam chuckled. Niall jumped over and hugged Liam for no apparent reason. Liam smiled. “Crazy bugger.” He mumbled jokingly. I half smiled, looking over at Zayn who was watching the exchange with fire in his eyes. I frowned. Was that jealousy in Zayn’s eyes? Why was Zayn jealous of a hug between Niall and Liam? Zayn visibly relaxed as soon as Niall untangled himself from Liam. Hm, that’s strange. Eh, it was probably nothing. I thought to myself as we strolled out of the building. 

We all decided since all of us were starving that we’d go to mine and Louis’ flat and order pizza.

It was a quick drive, the place being only ten minutes away from our flat. I opened the door, walking inside and shouting ‘Louis’. I heard no reply. Why didn’t he respond? He had to have heard me calling him. I padded up the stairs as the other boys headed to the living room and Liam to the kitchen to order the pizza. 

“Lou?” I called softly as I entered his bedroom. It was too clean. The closet was closed tightly, despite Louis liking it always open, the bedside table was bare, the lamp being the only thing left on it, the floor was spotless, not a TOM in sight, the bed was newly made. Too neat. Louis never made his bed. I took a step closer to the bed. That’s when I noticed a small fold of paper sitting in the middle atop the duvet. I unfolded the paper, realizing it was a letter. I read it, in complete shock and disbelief.

He’s gone. He left. He’s gone. He left for good.

~end of flashback

I ran down the stairs, tears pouring down my face as I openly bawled. I made it to the living room where the boys were watching a rerun of FRIENDS on the tele. “Harry? What’s wrong?” Liam asked concerned, having noticed me first. I started hiccuping as I sobbed but I managed to choke out a simple ‘Louis’. before I lost it again. The boys got up instantly, Niall muting the TV. I handed Liam the letter and Zayn hugged me, comforting me as my body racked with sobs. He read the letter out loud to the boys. Their eyes widened in disbelief. “It can’t be true! It’s not fair! Why would he leave us! Why would he leave me?” I wailed and collapsed in another round of sobs.

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