Part 2 (Louis)

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Reading Harry's letters, I feel my heart crumble. Tears stream down my face. I miss him so much. I can't deal with him in pain. But I needed to leave him. I needed to protect him. One day he'll understand. Maybe. But maybe not.  And that hurts, knowing that he may never know the real reason I left. I can't even write him back. I wish I could, it would help me hold on to the last shreds of sanity I have. But I know I can't. It's bad for both of us. It's best if I lay low where I am for a little while. Then I might be able to write him back. But I can never see him again. It's forbidden. It's dangerous. And most of all, it's deadly. If he finds out I disobeyed his orders, well bad things could happen. He's a powerful man and he gets what he wants when he wants it and this time he wanted me gone. I still remember exactly how he said it. 


"Louis, come in we need to talk." Simon beckoned me into his office. Hm this is weird why did Simon call me on my day off to come down and talk to him in his office without the other boys? I brushed off the nagging feeling in the back of my mind that was telling me 'something's wrong' and  sat down in the chair across from Simon.

"Louis." he sighed, putting a slight edge of emotion in his voice. "I like you so I'm going to be honest and to the point. Ratings have been lower on songs you have solos in than any songs you don't. And to be honest, not many of the fans like your voice. And people don't really like your personality or appearance much either. I'm sorry Louis, you're no longer needed in the band anymore. You're fired." Simon said, his face a mask of professionalism. I felt my stomach drop and my heart sink as I absorbed the cruel words. I started to feel nauseous, my head was spinning as he continued on. "You are to leave by this evening and not tell anyone anything. I have booked

you a train to Manchester at 9:00 PM this evening. Pack up everything and don't be late, a guard will escort you to the train at 8:00 PM and your car will be delivered to your new flat by tomorrow morning. Oh, and I'll need your phone, you're not allowed to call any of the boys you hear? And Louis, if you even tell a soul, there will be severe punishments. You can make up something plausible for all I care, but you cannot tell them the truth. We're done here. You are dimissed." Simon finished, taking my phone from my hands and picking up his to make a business call. My heart was pounding loudly in my ears as I sat there, gawking at him, completely speechless and dumbfounded as to what just happened.

"W-what?" I finally managed to choke out despite the lump in my throat. "Louis what are you still doing here?" he asked as he set the phone down on the table. He looked down at the time on his watch. "You only have seven hours to pack before you have to leave. Get moving." He replied nonchalantly as he picked up the phone again. My eyes prickled with tears as I realized Simon wasn't lying. "You can't do this to me! I'm one fifth of One Direction!" I screamed at him as I got up from the chair. "Louis calm down you can always follow what ever your dream was before music. You just don't have a place in this industry and certainly not in this band. Now please go or I'll have to call security. I have important calls to make." Simon said, waving me off. My breath hitched and I started all out sobbing. I ran from his office, ashamed of myself.

God why am I so naive? Why did I ever think I could stay in One Direction, that people would like me? No one wants me here. It's better if I leave anyways. No one will probably even notice that I'm gone.  It's for the best. They won't even miss me. I thought to myself as the tears ran tracks down my face. I had made my way into the parking lot of the Syco Records building. I climbed into my car. Somehow I was able to drive safely even though I could hardly see anything through my blurred vision. Thank God the boys had gone out today for laser tag and wouldn't be back until late. The boys. My I feel terrible just thinking about them. What was I going to tell them? Harry. I felt a pang in my chest. What was I going to tell Harry? I could just walk away from the love of my life without giving him an explination could I? I needed to tell him. No. No no no. Louis you cannot tell him. Simon will do bad things if you do. I wiped the tears from my face as I pulled into the drive way. I stepped out of my car slowly, looking up at the flat that had been home to me for almost two years. I forced myself to stop staring at it and headed inside. 

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